Saturday, July 26, 2008

Day 37: Wake Up Call

I rise and shine each morning at 5am. It's taken me a month to learn to sleep that extra 30 minutes. (430 am must have meant something at Aunt Melinda's!).

I'm not one who cares much for early morning businesses in the yard, so it's not my bladder that has the alarm clock.

It's my belly! And the belly must be connected to the feet, cause I dance for my breakfast every morning! And promptly each day since my arrival, the Mom has risen and attended to my morning cravings.

And now this morning, I hear grumblings from the big bed. She rubbed my head that I rested on the side of the bed, but I guess it was too dark for her to see my wagging tail. Instead of rising to my challenge, she lifted the covers, patted the bed and urged me into her cocoon.

I didn't buy it. No way. But I did figure out how to get her up...

Drop my big bones down loudly on the hardwood floors... and siiiiiiiiiiigh!

She was up in a flash.

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