The Mom, she run to the workplace to get some fings. And as she leave, she say prayer for the me not rippin my stitches open....
And you may or may not believe this... but two blocks from home, the Mom pull up behind this vehicle wif this sticker:
Luke 1:37 "For nothing is impossible with God"
My the Mom take it as a sign. A hopeful sign. And while she still rush to the office and back, she have some small amount of peace about her. And peace there was, as me... the Luke... did nuffin but good and not bad while she was gone.
But the Bleu, he chew a hole in heself. I guess he freak a bout the Luke in a t-shirt and have scripture... and he not.
I know God is lookin out for us all. The Bleu, he know it too... he just have lapse of assurance, just as we all do from time to time.
[Me and the Mom, we are clingin to the Luke 1:37 for the pathology results. And we fank you for your prayers, your crossed paws, your foughts and well wishes.].