Busy days these days... This mornin started wif a trolley ride on a empty tummy to what I was convinced would be LePeep, or at the very least... IHOP, so I was not amused when we deboarded at the Doctor's Office! My disappointment was short lived, however, when all the nice folks started oohin and ahhhhin over the me. They held me over and tested me on a number of subjects. I passed some wif the flyin colors and didn't do so well in others (results to come later), but I know this... I helped my the Mom make the right decision on who to manage and lead the charge on my treatment! Just sayin. [More on that later!]
And speakin of leadin the charge, I need to fank my good friends, Scout and Freyja for their foughtful blog post and for this swell button!
I hope you will join my Team, pawticipate in my Love Protocol, help me fight the good fight... and display my swell button, if you are so inclined!
Heart felt fanks also to the beautiful, pedal to the metal Miss Khyra and my good good friends, The Thundering Herd (how it's spelled, not pronounced) for their foughtful blog posts, as well as their support ever day... accelerated to overdrive durin these days of trial!
I have so SO MANY DEAR FRIENDS TO FANK... and I would name you each individually... but I spent the day wif my Aunt Isfesia, and boy did she make me sweepy... Nite nite!
Tuesday Telling
Contemplating what to have for breakfast -
Got it!
Lady PF's scrape time -
Watching DaBurg -
I guess Lord PF stopped at the store like I did and made Lad...
Nite nite!
Me thinks woo won't be needing to khount pekhans tonight!
We've already given our button the spot of honour on my khorner!
Please to give The Mom a hug from us!
Khyra and The Golden Khousins
We want to be on your team too, Luke, if you will let us. We will add your badge to our blog too. Rest well, pal.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
We just know every corner of the dog blogging world is joining Team Luke (and we are perfectly fine with "Fundering".
P.S. - Our word of the day is bessest and that seems to be such a Luke word. We wish you the bessest night of sleeps!
Wow! You got to ride a trolley? And, get the oooooin's and ahhhhhins at the docs place! Yay.
Such amazing bloggie pals we have, we are very lucky! We're on Team Luke and thinkin' about ya and the mom lots :)
Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose
I joined your team luke! I am honored to send my heeler vibes your way!
Luke, we want to be on your team!!!! Lots and lots of love, Holly and mom
Sweetest of dreams, Luke!
We have our paws crossed tightly and are cheering for you every step of the way!
w00fs, we proudly were our "team the luke" on our bloggie..
b safe,
Hey Luke, We're gonna put up the button on our blog too. WE will fink of you and make prays for you whenever we can.
Love and hugs,
Stella, Mom and that Khat!
Woof! Woof! Sending you Lots of Golden LOVE n will continue to send you my Golden Healing Thoughts. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
We had a beagle who was diagnosed with malignant melanoma in her mouth and was given 2 months to live. Nobody bothered to tell her she was sick though and she lived for 2 1/2 years with it. We did a combination of holistic and western medicine. Chemo for as long as she could stand it, raw diet, antioxidants and debulking of the tumor whenever it was needed. What seemed to work the best was something our vet called TR4. Think positive.
Dear the Luke, if l♥ve and good wishes and the Power of the Paw have anything to say about your fight - we KNOW you will win! And when you are in the winner's circle we will all be standing 'round woo-woo-ing in our best and most furry loudest voices with our Sibe buddies leading the songs!
Count us in! We're proud to be part of Team Luke!
- Charlie
Hey da Luke! We just heards about team Luke and we wants to join in, so we stole your button to put on our bloggie yay! Sounds like you gots some good pals at the (shhh) vet's place - also yaysers!
Big Hugs and Love xoxoxoxoxo
Sammie and Avalon
hey The Luke!
I will definitely put your cool button on my blog! What great friends you have to create that for you. You are one special pup, and my thoughts and prayers are with you to heal and feel better!
Sleep well!
We are delighted to be part of Team Luke and we will proudly have your badge on our blog.
Rest easy, Luke! We are cheering for you. LiveStrong!
Piappies Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Pai & Wai-Max
Luke count is on the the team.
Lots of pawsative thoughts and airezen is on is way. PawsCrossed for you.
Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx
Hey Luke,
We are sending pawsitive vibes all the way from Italy. We are thinking of you and The Mom!
Hey there...
Sending lotsaluv and all the good vibes imaginable...all the way from South Africa. Carpe Diem!
i am adding your badge to my bloggie right now! go team the luke!! me and asa and mama have our paws together for you.
the booker man
Hey Luke! We don't have a bloggie, but we're definitely on the TEAM! 12 paws crossed!
Love to Luke.
Rescue Remedy for The Mom.
Hugs for everybody.
Paws crossed.
KT and Lady
Hi Luke, I am a friend of Phantom's. I just wanted to let you know that I am thinking of you and sending you lots of good wishes! I am going to join your team, too!
Your pal, Pip
I am a furiend of Phantoms and I want you to know dat I am sending you puppy prayers and would like to join Team Luke too!
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
We came by to add our Paws and positive healing energies to the Team. Grow stronger and feel the support we all are sending.
Luke, we are thinking about you and sending the Power of the Paw to you from all three of us.
Barbara, Trixie and Minnie
Hi The Luke! I just wanted you to know that we're on Team The Luke, too, and your button is on our bloggie. We're thinking abouts you every single minute and sending you happy, get better thoughts!
Wiggles & Wags,
I am on your team Luke!
Warriors we are together!
Nitey nite
Hi Luke,
We came over from Our Family Cat-a-Blog to wish you the best and to give you our biggest and most powerful PURRS to help you get well! And our cousin Molly sends licks and bounces. We are on your team!!
great guy that Luke !!
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