I have made it no secret that I am feelin uneasy most days here lately, and I have no interest in capturin the moment wif phot op, but just want to follow the ole gal around.
You may fink that I have had storm over my head ever day but this is not true. And in fact, my the yard needs water bad. But problem is I can feel and hear the storm twenty-five miles away and we have been surrounded by the them.
So needless to say we are all kinda tired and stressed in this house and even though the Mom she do sing the songs to us and brush us love on us, we are all ready for a break in this awful weather.
The weather man (if you believe him) do say that next week we will get it, but come back here and I let you know for the sure.
Luke, we are thinking of you all the time and we sure hope Mother Nature decided to take her storms far away from you soon.
Hugs, the OP Pack
'bout time 'they' let us see WOO!
PeeEssWoo: I wish woo khould bunker here with me!
Hey Luke,
The thunderstorm can be stressful on lots of us. Do the best you can and remember that the mom will take the bestest care of you that she possibly can. We hope that next week the weather is more peaceful and not at all stressful.
Luke, has your momma ever tried Rescue Remedy to calm you down?
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