I've spent the afternoon exploring this new place, pawsing only to sit for a snack (though that has been abruptly ended by some misfortunate and what I can only assume are unmannerly gases), sip a few fresh waters and meet the locals!
First I met this really nice woman I found out is my Aunt Susan. I liked her right away, and felt comforted and reassured. She seems to know this 'Mama' person pretty good and says she's really happy for both of us... whatever that means.
I know she said "meant to be" a few times, and I'll have to ponder that when I get back to Aunt Melinda's. That house of hers is a great place to ponder things... safe, comfortable and relaxing.
I feel like I'm really racking up on blessings, because they both told me about an Uncle Mike I have, and how he'll really want to meet me. Another thing I've learned... just like friends, you can't never have too many Aunts and Uncles. Them is good folks, they are.
And speaking of friends! I've got a new one... might just have saved the best for last, because I met this fellow through the see-thru fence!
Seems his name is Sam. I like that, suits him in that "he am Sam" sort of way.
We ran the fence a bit. Sam had a lot to say... me, not so much, but this 'Mama' seemed to celebrate the 'wuh wuh' that I added to the conversation. (Another thing to ponder when I get back to Aunt Melinda's... strange woman, this 'Mama').
And lo and behold, next thing I know... my new Aunt Susan appears on his side of the fence! Who knew! Well... she and 'Mama' started exchanging greetings again over the fence top, just as Sam and I had, only much quieter and with less intensity. And Sam and I slipped to the other end of the yard to sniff noses. I got a good sense about him... and we exchanged pmail addresses.
All good things gotta come to an end, though, I've sadly come to learn. And it happened then, as the skies began to darken in the middle of the afternoon. I urgently persuaded the 'Mama' to let's go to the in of doors as my love of the out is over for today.
Watchin' & Workin' Wednesday
Lady PF was already in place watchin' - 745am -
At a minute later - moved to the nest box spot -
Lord PF took his spot on the point at lunchtime -
Going ...
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