Mom didn't go to the factory today! Or maybe it was closed on account of Aunt Dav's birthday! (Happy Birthday, Aunt Dav! WOOF!).
So we took the trolley out for a tour of this... wow... really huge town. Saw stuff ain't never seen. Tons and I mean tons of trolleys.
Swang by Doc Banks' place and visited her, Leslie and the gang... who in spite of their pokin', proddin' and weighin'... are really fine folk. Said I seemed to be in great shape and I returned the compliment. Wink.
Had some idle chit chat with other four leggers on the way out. Told em there's nothing to fear... no shots or nothin' like that. Why, Doc Banks mostly just loved on me and invited me back in September! Now that's a doc to love... no?
But I'm saving the best part to last... Doc called in a prescription against thunderstorms to the farm-I-see down the way from her place. Stay tuned... you don't want to miss this story! I'll give you a hint: GOLDEN IN A CHINA CLOSET!
Watchin' & Workin' Wednesday
Lady PF was already in place watchin' - 745am -
At a minute later - moved to the nest box spot -
Lord PF took his spot on the point at lunchtime -
Going ...
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