My best pal, the Checkers, honor me wif this special award!
And if it not thunderin and rainin and stormin to high heaven... I have way more to say, but it is and so I limit my verbosity to just this, for now...
I love the Checkers, and he blog is special part of my every day!
Sorry for the long post, please feel free to just skip over it***!!! But on occasion of 400f day in my Forever Home, I make list of things I love bout it, and here go:
(*** I am way over tryin to fix format problems... as I have worked on it forever and it is impossibility!):
The Mom
The Bleu
Cool Airs
Miracle waters
Snuggles in the big bed
Wakin up wif the Mom
Goin to bed wif the Mom
The Mom's house shoes
Breakfasts Happy Dance
Dinners Happy Dance
Big bed
Aunt Karen and Uncle Craig
Zeke & Rizzo
Aunt Madison and Uncle Tom
The Herd: Porter, Cane, Dylan, Dakota and Buddy!
Aunt Dav and Uncle Benjy
My bed
My tag wif my forever last name!
In of doors 97% Out of doors 3%
Aunt Melinda and Uncle Jason
And now Baby Luke who we call Ryan for short
Berry treats
Learnin commands
Blog friends!!!!!
And crushes!!!!! (Ain't namin names... but you know who you are!)
Nose kisses
Aunt Marti who all ways ask bout me
And also her the Cousin Shiner and now Cousin Taylor
Bleu comfort
Comet's smells
GRRH cookies
Doc Mark
Doc Hamelers
Medical care
Mister T Day Spa
GRRH tag
Comet's reindeer
Birfday party!
Birfday cake!!!
Gettin drawn by renown artist Mike McCartney!
Belly rubs
Other stylish attire (sorta)
PPS... personal poop scooper!
Indoor bunkers instead of outdoor ones!
Indoor bunker - half baff
Indoor bunker - full baff
Indoor bunker - tub
Indoor bunker - crate
Indoor bunker - draftin table
More days than not... bunker not needed
Back yard
My toy basket
How many of you have ever driven a Porsche? I have!
Ear rubs
Leanin into the Mom's hip and thigh when she sit in patio chair
Flyin squirrels
Cat poop (the Mom say ick)
Receivin greetin cards in mail... thank you to the Aunts Dav and Karen and the Cousins Lovey, Rizzo and Zeke!
The Bleu basket of toys what come wif him
Cousin Collin and Aunt Diana
Aunt Lisa and Cousin Sidney
Bein apple of someone's eye
My very own Book of Luke what the Aunt Dav made for the me (and ok, the Mom!)
St Francis
And he forgiveness!
And he blessins!
And he smokin jar!
Toofy squirt
Baked chicken... the Mom's, not Kroger's!!!
Attention for any and ever one
Chin shmooshes
Tellin stories
Apple treats
Lush St Augustine grasses
Puttin head in frige
Aunt Karen's ideas and advice
Valentine surprise for the Mom and thank you to the Aunt Madison, Uncle Tom and also the herd!
Gala table centerpiece what feature the me!
Internet access
Jammies made wif love by the Aunt Karen... specially when hangin on door knob
Discoverin grill cheese sammich maker also makes pot of sghetti
My Gotcha Day!
Regular and prompt eye boogie removal
Cheek rubs
Attention of all kinds
Friday afternoons
Vacation days
My Birfday!
Flowers in my hairs
Poop free back yard!
Chip on my shoulder
Next door Sammy!
Christmas presents
Days wifout benadryl
GRRH reunion
Barker Street Bakery cookies
My stuffed stockin at Christmas
Wanted: Cool Hand Luke... poster what the Mom made for the me!
Birfday presents
Givin birfday goody bags
Hearin "pat pat pat" on big bed
Runnin to the Mom when the Bleu get in trouble
Gotcha day presents
Visitin the herd!
Carrot crunchies
Formal wear!
Breezes blowin frew my hairs on sunny day
Peanut butter
Pet Stop shoppin bag... ok the innerds!
Songs my the Mom sings
Easter eggs!
New stuffies just because
Naps wif the Mom
Havin my own trolley
Ridin in it
Serious Chats
Bedtime Stories
Sweet nuffins whispered in my ear
Kisses all over... can't beat em
Pet Paradise, but not to live there no more
Blog contests- playin
Blog contests -throwin em
Nutritious foods
Fish oil squirts
Explorin other peoples' yards
Spit baffs
Surprises in mail
Personal doorman
Never have to ask twice to go back inside
My leash!
Pizza crust
St Patrick's Day
Fresh clipped toenails
Havin dew towel dried!
Rilin Rotty in the corner of yard!
Runnin fence wif Doxy!
Sit shake and down for treats
Smilin over my tails my dog buddies tail
Soft pillows
Eatin treats on the big bed
Followin the Mom ever where
Trustin the Mom to step over me!
Cool kitchen floors
Map of cool air vents
Fried chicken (rare but occasional bite)
Clean sheets
Emotional support for me and also the Mom
Favorite corner to sleep wif head in
Poop not ever in of doors but fun in embarassin places like just outside of PetsMart
Memorial Day
Flea comb feel good when don't have fleas
Cool Hand Luke movie poster featurin the me (in place of the Paul Newman)
Where is Luke on GRRH website (similar to Where is Waldo)
Sleepin wif the web"master"
Play dates
Havin my pitcher on display at Different Strokes Pet Boutique!
Prayers... say em!
Prayers... included in em!
Layin back to back wif the Bleu
Good good neighbors!
Investigatin inside of other peoples' houses
Bleu back make good pillow
Drinkin water outta the Mom's cup durin a hurricane
Havin a fully stocked hurricane bunker get away what the Mom prepare for us... it include tranky-lizers, flashlights, tv, radio, treats and waters (a cup but no bowl... note for this year!)
Layin on pallet in baffroom wif the Mom arm around the me
And I thankful for all these many things and then some
Smooches of all kind!
Cheddar cheese
Chew bones
Poster what feature the me and my favorite things!
Helpin the Mom cook (rare but occasional event)
Cleanin up spills
Help the Bleu wif dropped crumbs
Grocery day
4f of July
Havin the Mom to depend on
Havin the Uncle Tom take me and the Mom to Gulf Coast
Haing the Aunt Karen who meet us in times of needs at the Fairbanks
Never bein alone...!
Helpin the Mom wif chores
Runnin from the Bleu
Chasin the Bleu
Sneakin secret dairy treat (benefit of followin the Mom)
Glyco-Flex glucosomine
Open closet doors
Hittin digital scale wif paw in middle of night so it beep (just for fun)
Devotion of so many
Care by so many
Photos of the me
GRRH Class of 2008 Photo Montage!
Pill Pockets
Labor Day
Layin on architectural drawins what come from the factory
Packages and bags on the floors
No worries
Clockwork Heart Guard
Tater tots (rare but occasional treat)
Happy dance to happy song
Time of night when a/c turned down
Hidin toys in the big bed
My collar
Scrambled egg
Home body the Mom
Lazy days
Soft furs
Immediate attention to itchies
Lotion on my paws
Good long sigh of contentment
Guardin the perimeter
Summer baffs in back yard
Turkey towel treatment
Valentines Day
No mats in hairs!
PC (poop checker)
Emptyin the toy basket
Givin gifts to my friends
Makin greetin cards
Hoppin over the Bleu
Blockin the Bleu into a room
Havin the Mom who plan life round weather
Layin on clean towels what ready to be folded
Library table to put head under
Clean floors
Blog comments!!!
Bein told top o my head was kiss by angel
Ear kisses
Even Marlo Thomas That Girl Ear Stylin (good shake of head and back to normal)
Flower bed
Ceilin fans
Squeak of pantry door is music to my ears
Stalkin birds and squirrels on power line
Sound of plastic bag in kitchen
Tranky-lizers have their place
Tub baffs
Layin at the Mom feets when she eat her dinners
New Year Eve and Day
Once black nose now pink, thank you
L&BC (lump and bump checker)
Word "mine"!
Aunt Nelda who call and check on the me
Havin bell bottoms brushed!
The occasional face book quote
Discoverin toy under bed
Plottin joke on the Bleu
Pointin out dead bug on floors
Bein number one, even when share position wif the Bleu
Buddy Biscuits
TV nights
Curiosity bout the fish tank what the Mom call a quarium
Good burps spell H-A-P-P-Y
Not ever in trouble (in not make break for it wif run away adventure)
Figurin out I don't want to run away
Keepin one eye on the Mom at all times (outta love, not distrust)
Peoples checkin on the me durin bad weather
Food delivery (what a concept!)
Bein featured in GRRH fund raisin... like poster boy!
What??? I can lick plate???
Figurin out dishwasher noise
430 in the am , can't tell you why
PWBM... personal water bowl monitor
Ask go outside when the Mom on the phone
Find mischief outside when the Mom on the phone
Checkin bird nests
Cool wash rag round neck and on underside of ears... after long hot walk
Freeze dried buffalo liver tho I hate for them to be wifout theirs...
Makin the circle in the house... specially when the Mom try pull funny on me
King of Guilt... I am good at it
Havin my owwy's treated... though not wif the sprays!
Knowin closet where future toys and treats reside
Havin most awesome Luke sitter go by name of Aunt Karen
Layin on bed when the Mom change sheets
Stock pile of toys in hidin
Animal Planet
Brown rice not bad, actually...
The Bleu is politer than me.
The Bleu is slower than me.
Discoverin mystery in belly of Kongy
Rollin over on clicker in middle of night
Playin wif Santa Bear in July
Big box come in door = 32# Case of Wysong Anergen = Contract Renewal
Jingle of leash
Good stuff from
A nouncement of "last call"
Bein first frew door all ways
Never no more anger in my life
Fresh waters and personal dispenser of same... in the trolley
Many opportunities to poop very far away from home
Have the Mom far outweigh have the hurricane
Hurricane is lemonade on a counta the Mom home very much and long
Pillow is good place for the head
Dingo bones
Dingo bites
Sunshine comin frew window is good and happy thing
Ozarka is good substitute for the Miracle Waters!
Havin the Mom place binky over me on cold night
Special Christmas binky!
Well wishes... they mean lots
Lotion on Chapter One callouses
Callouses what now soft
Drought... not ever one happy bout it, but I am
Cool cool COLD airs in the trolley
The Mom right hand what stabilize me in the trolley
Havin my own zeu of toys
And my own generator... just in case
Bein sound o sleep and hearin rustlin in kitchen
Bein the household weather man. Take pride in bein better than tv.
Not knowin what is door bell
Good things what come out of trolley
Home made cookies by the Mom
Bein the Mom's inspiration for rescue...
Whir of a/c condenser my favoritest of out of doors noise
The Bleu's dirty ears what mean I get mine cleaned right after he's (though mine all ways clean enough to eat outta)
Man tend lawn is real nice and do good job... and I don't have to be out there when he do it!
Fresh cut grasses.
Sick days for the Mom. I do not like the her to be sick, but I do like her to be the home!
Cookin Sundays
Paw rubs
Advice, support and love I get from my (blog) friends... parentheses there on a counta we past just bein online pals... we true friends
Big blue jug on way in door! Thank you, Uncle Tom!
Poetry... I wrote some
June bugs crunch crunch crunch
Bully bones
Ok... even like havin slippers trimmed
Peanut butter cookies... the Mom's
The instant I realize the Mom is gettin outta bed!
Baked chicken sammich on a counta I get the last bite.
The Mom tell me I good boy bout million time a day
Clean toofies
Rat flushin (the Mom say O no Luke no)
Yogurt drops
Bringin the Mom lizard carcass
When big lump burst into just bobo... very good thing!
Blockin the patio door so no body go in or out wifout Luke permision
Lays potato chips (prefer ruffles what have ridges but regardless of texture, cannot have just one)
Stay up late wif credit discounted by 25% when come to expected time of get out of bed and eat the breakfasts
Smell of tamales (never tasted em but pretty sure I should)
Beed seein eye dog cause I spend fair amount of time followin the Mom while she look for her glasses
Pumpkin (I get some when the Bleu cannot go)
Indoor bunker (what I just now discover) - Comet's blue chair
And then also been meanin to share wif the you, a nother good part bout the Dog Show and that is treats we get from the Barker Street Bakery!
And inside good smellin box is four cookies and two peanut butter cups for me and the Bleu!
And the Bleu wif his sniffer in high gear, he circlin the photo op!!!
The the two #1 cookies is mine, on a counta they are iced wif yogurt and the Bleu, he is allergic to dairy!!!
(And apologies to the winners of my 500f post contest on a counta Barker Street say yogurt ice treats be disaster when shipped this time of year outta Houston!) But don't go feelin too sorry for Big Boy cause he get boaf paw print cookies what he relish!
Nobody can believe that the Mom let me eat cookie on the big bed but that is where I really enjoy my special treats and the Mom thinks I was wifout specialness so long in Chapter One, she good wif me catchin up.
She say "no need to own sumfin what the Luke cannot eat cookie on"... end quote.
I go outside after yummy treat and still... I lick my lips!
GRRH's Garner On TV!
And speakin of the deservin boys, GRRH's Star Student in Trainin... the Garner... was included in a story on KHOU, Channel 11, Houston's local CBS Affliate!!! It was a story bout hurricane preparedness and featured the Pet Paradise Hobby wif their Category 3 construction!
Here is my the Mom's most favorite Golden Mix boy wif trainer Sandy... who he love!
And here is Big Boy Garner who bust frew gate and dive in bone shape pool! (Pet Paradise is WONDERFUL resort!!!)
Mario Gomez was reporter, and he is real swell fellow who we know and love on the news. He take down lots of information, and hopefully GRRH get some kind of feature story soon!
Until then... here is to hopin that Mister G find he Forever Home... REAL SOON!
You can see more photos and read more about the Garner here and here!
The Mom was gonna take some happy pitchers of me for my blog today on a counta I have not posted any such in quite while... but then it happened.
Boom Boom Boom, the bottom fell out and kept fallin until bout two hours later and now it is 735 in the pm and I have not beed outside since 645 this am. And I not goin now on a counta I have my head under the library table. I just hold it.
"Well" the Mom say... "it sure hard to take happy pitcher wif Luke head under there", so she put camera down and say "but Luke you need to blog" and I say "get a paper and jot this down" and so here go...
I hate thunder. And that's all I got to say.
So for filler, I offer these fun photos of PAWS Houston boof at Dog Show... talk about your heavy pettin! And your soft furs! These kids made some serious dough for the cause!
Care for a belly shot???
And now in the interest of joggin your memory of the Luke in happier more care free times, I offer you the this... as I remind my self that this was the day I was posed to have the surgery what I did not have to have! And that make me AND the Mom REAL HAPPY!
P.S. I just love the sun what come frew the window and wash the wall!
This is the Jax who is real sweet boy who lookin for a foster or foster-to-adopt home. After hard life and abandonment in back yard, he has blossomed in just two weeks, and he was real ham at dog show and spittin image of doggy on blanket beyond... just sayin! Please read more about Jax!
And this is the Toby who I told you before had found good home but they return him on a counta he not perfect boy (I think... on a counta they still in bereavement over Golden they lost not so long ago)*** and so he beed back wif his lovin Foster Mom, the Chelsea... that is until this weekend!
So don't feel sorry for the Toby no more, cause he livin large in his NEW Forever Home where he was meant to be! You see... things all ways work out for the best.
Here is photo of GRRH boof before things got super busy. Behind table you will see the Jerry wif my the Aunt Madison and also my Uncle Tom way in back. ANd below table, you will see a little surprise and that is Chelsea's Wilde (who was Ashleigh).
Wilde is a Golden and Great Pyrenees mix what mean she has best of boaf personalities! Isn't she pretty???!!!
Ashleigh Wilde is a very special and lucky girl because she has wonderful Mom what love love LOVE her... and GRRH family is rich cause we love them boaf!
***Note from the Mom: It's just SO unreasonable to expect a dog, whether a rescue... or the finest pure bred puppy to be perfect from Day One, Two... or ever, really.
If you expect perfection, perhaps you're not a "dog person"... as it is more often than not, their imperfections and mischief that make them so endearing, so lovable, so fun. Many a tight bond is founded on imperfection... theirs and ours.
My the Mom had me and the Bleu carry-catured at the Dog Show by renowned artist Mike McCartney! And here is Mike after he was done!
We are all very excited about the outcome what Mike conjured up and drew into fruition! I think he capture spirit of the Luke and also the Bleu, of course... and also our respective passions what are bloggin and sticks!
Neatest thing is how he weave our personality in and also add fun surprises!
Bigify the photo for more detail!
1. The beautiful Comet streaking protectively across the sky... bring tears to the Mom's eyes. 2. Nice airplane what the Wright Brothers love! 3. The Mom tole Mike that she like blue bird what was on his own t-shirt and look there, he end up on end of Bleu stick, too! 4. And last but certainly not least... Gotta love that Mike a big fan of movie what share my name of Cool Hand Luke, on a counta he pitcher me here eatin hard boiled eggs! And if you never saw the movie, you need find copy quick on a counta it reel good! Just sayin!
Mike is real nice fellow and talented beyond belief. He is takin the image back wif him to he studio to scan in so we can order some nice things for our self. He will send original back to us soon so we can hang in prominent spot in our a bode as a reeminder how we can't wait to do it again real soon!
Stay tuned for more adventures from the Dog Show in days to come!
Champion of Toasty's Treasure Island wins BEST IN SHOW!!!!!
Treasure parents live in Boca Raton, Florida and they are Pam and Jerry Oxemburge... and handler Clint Livingston live in Brighton, Colorado.
I not sure of logistics wif the show dogs and so when I go to bed tonight and ever night here after I will pray that Treasure beed happy where ever he live on a counta he is sure good lookin Golden not as but not quite as handsome as the Luke. Just sayin.
Last week beed a busy and somewhat stressful week. I not get chance to blog and so now I present to you boaf hi and lo lites:
1. The Mom had very much work stress includin after hours client meetin on Monday evenin what on top of tiredness from out of town weddin trip was just too much. She say big comfort to just flop wif us boys.
2. Last minute Dog Show t-shirt ink color not work out so had to call audible... and just hope for best on a counta there nuffin else can do.
3. GRRH brought in firteen dogs (hard to believe 13 Golden Retrievers in dire state in one week but they are!) middle of week and the Mom had to get them in the Adoption Book and also on website before the Dog Show. She finish at midnight fifteen on Friday mornin and so my four firty snuggle request come early to the her.
4. I spend week bein good boy and followin the Mom ever step oh and also givin Pink Baby and others big workout.
5. The Bleu spend week bein silly on a counta he back to bein the Mom's "toot-toot" and feelin like he ornery self. He spend lotta time beggin the Mom to play "I got this ear. And that one. And this leg. And the tail..." He love that game and get so excited and I look on and wonder what wrong wif the him to think that fun game... Just sayin.
6. The Mom come home Friday from Dog Show and her dogs were tired and I not talkin bout me and the Bleu. She worry frewout day on a counta weather report threatnin but it not come true and so we have good chillin evenin tho it hot out of door.
7. I got big happy surprise on Saturday what the Mom, inspired by the Aunt Dav, cook up for the me and the Bleu! (Look for upcomin post!) Just sayin!!!
8. I got big unhappy surprise on Saturday what was passle of thunder and not much rain. I got real upset and I jump over the Bleu head bout thousand time tryin to find where I wanted to be... but then the Mom try her new therapy what work somewhat ok and more on that later.
9. Sunday was a lot of family time and even though the Mom had to catch up on chores, she also talked and sang and rubbed our heads and laid down so we could lay down beed side of her and it was very good day what make me remember the good ole days what not so busy. Just sayin.
10. Today was ok day until the Mom left for factory and then it was great when she sneak out from work at 320pm and get home early and it was wonderful for few short minutes until the thunder it did start. She try thunder therapy on me and I end up fallin a sleep on the Bleu's legs and ok kinda nestled up into him but don't tell no body on a counta that NOT befittin of the Luke image. I fink the Bleu leg prolly lost circulation in he legs but he so happy I not havin nervous breakdown and jumpin over he head... he lay perfectly still. Just sayin.
I sorry for beedin so wordy but just had big time gap to fill in and don't want you to miss nuffin on a counta I knowed you beed waitin wif the baited breaf... (ha)
And now if I may ask the Bleu for drum roll what really he too long toe nail in 3 point circle spin on hard wood floor...
Thanks to the vigilant and scared Mom, good doctors, good medicines and more than ANY thing else... ALL WHO HAVE PRAYED OVER ME...!!!
I will not be havin surgery this Thursday on a counta my lumps are gone and there is nuffin to remove!!!
It is miracle and nuffin less. And there is no way I could ever thank you enough for all you have wished and prayed for the Luke. You see, when I go to oncologist after the mast cell tumor surgery, he only give me 10% chance it not recur. And prediction was it would recur wifin 6 monfs.
I beed a boy wif skin problems any and all ways and as Doc Mark say, I have had bout least one of ever thing and most of them he took off of the me.
And I know I already beed too verbose but I close wif this one last of two things... Ever time the Mom tell the Aunt Karen that Luke deserve break... the Aunt Karen say, "Luke got he big break was when he found his the Mom"...
And now my second and most important of last two things... I am relieved to learn that the Woodrowis feelin better (and that Tankstill has an ear!) and that is please, please, PLEASE keep prayer goin for the Phantom on a counta we most certainly will. Miracles do happen and odds are beaten and I wish and pray for sweet Phantom a thousand miracles and then some...!
Me and the Mom and the Bleu (of course) love you all!!!!!
This here has beed boaf one busy and also one not so busy at all weekend on a counta the Mom beed gone too long away from the me and the here but that for super special reason and so I ok wif it.
So, here is some miss celaneous things about my weekend:
1. I have nother bobo on my elbow what is kinda like the thing on my back and also on my side and the Mom is upset. It feel full of fluid and is somewhat shrinkin and hopefully will resolve it self wif meds I am on for the other spots what are so much better! But I forsee nother trip to see the Dr Mark. Just sayin. 2. I have not had pain meds in coupla days on a counta I am not in pain, but even so am not feelin quite one hunderd per cent just yet what give me laid back tude. Might be bobos, might be aunty biotics, don't know... Just not xactly my usual robust self. 3. Add extreme free digit heat to lethargic and nonchalent tude and I give you yawn!
4. My the Mom beed gone long time this weekend on a counta my Cousin Alana Kay got married to my new Cousin Garrett and it was very very VERY special family weekend... even though I could not be there. But just wait on a counta they are gonna be livin here in the Houston and so it all beed good real soon. Just sayin.
5. The Bleu got sick right be fore the Mom had to leave town and she worried bout the him non-stop. And wif more time she would drop him off wif the Aunt Madison, but she know the Aunt Karen take care of the him real good... 7. One bright side to whole Mom beed gone thing is we beed saved by the Aunt Karen again! She take precious time away from the Cousins Zeke and Rizzo and she come care for us fully and completely and also report back to the Mom. 8. The Aunt Karen place the Bleu on limited ration and she love and pet on us (and poke on the him) and a llow us boaf to do multitude of businesses and then she love on us some more. And then she do not leave until she can do so in manner what I the Luke do not protest. 9. The Mom she do agree wif the Aunt Karen and so the Bleu continue on the limited but increasin portion of foods just to be sure... and he is hungry and beggin for most ever thing the Mom eat and we even caught him sniffin stuff on the kitchen counter. He NEVER does that and did not learn it from the me no matter what he say! I tell troof. He do not. Just sayin! 10. The heat wave it does continue and that make it most miserable no matter what time of day and it sure cut into any hope I have of goin on walk any or other special out of door activity on a counta don't wanna be much further from ass conditioner than bout back fence. Just sayin.. And just so I beed clear on circumstance, it beed 940pm at the night and it 90 degrees wif heat index of 98 degrees. How you spell M-I-S-E-R-A-B-L-E. Need definition? Refer to my backyard. 11. Must quickly say that one thing what transform state of my backyard from miserable to desirable this night is frogs, baby frogs and june bugs! I cannot get enough but the Mom has overruled so curfew in force. 12. My the Mom works too much when she beed home... but I know she beed doin and providin good things for me and the Bleu and also for other what are less fortunate than our selves and so I beed tryin real hard to put up wif the it, but I also beed doing few things what make her engage wif the Luke. (I beed real happy when the life return to the normal! Just sayin!)...
And that lead me to remember to boaf tell you and to ask...
Golden Retriever Rescue of Houston will beed havin fun boof at the Reliant Park World Series of Dog Shows. If make it out, please go by boof and ask for my the Mom... you can ask for 'Luke's Mom' or her other identity what is 'Amanda'. I know she beed there Friday and Saturday for sure and she would love to meet the you!!! You can meet some of our available dogs who need a forever home, and there will be fun stuff to buy and also a raffle and all proceeds go to help Goldens in need. Very very VERY worthy cause.
Pee Ess I know there beed things wrong wif this post... but I swear, when I try correct the them, the html get all mess up and so I leave it a lone but I not happy. Just sayin.
I am so barassed on a counta I seem to have lost most a bility to count when come to days... but rest assured the Blogger one who count the 500 posts so Winners can consider them self exempt from the Luke mathematical challenge, confusion and big booboo.
I think this Day 386 and I should stress THINK... but exact number not all that portant when come to what I have to say...
My big lump what was size and shape of pecan (in shell) has oozed and ruptured somewhat and now is flattened and even smaller than it was at the lunch time today and wif ception of the obnoxious warm compresses what the Mom put on it bout million time a day... it not botherin me no longer...!
And followin up on orders, the Mom talk to the Dr Mark this afternoon by phone to give him update and he say progress bout what he hope for and might be free (3 is long to me) weeks before I healed and then we valuate what left and whever surgery gonna be necessary to remove it.
And so here hopin ain't nuffin left and please know I think I beed here in this place wif such high hope in large part due to your prayer and SUPPORT and please continue include the me in the them. Not sure I can ever repay you adequately but you got Luke word I WILL DO MY BEST! And please also I ask this very very VERY most important request...
Please please PLEASE remember my friends the Phantom and the Woodrow who also need prayer of recovery and healf and happiness... on a counta they SO more than deservin and also I love the them.
And if I have missed any the one else who have specific need, please know it beed crazy round here right now and I am very behind on the keepin up wif my friends... I sowwy but please know that all of the you are all ways in my prayers on a counta I love you and you just are!
Thank you to all who congratulated me on my 500f post! Many wonder how I post so many, not know really but guess just got lots to say after so long in backyard wifout freedom of blog...!
I am pleased to announce winners of my little contest and they are my good friends:
What o what you may wonder did you win??? Well even Luke don't know just yet... but can say your prize will be hand selected for the you next weekend at Reliant Park World Series of Dog Shows! And I truly hope it will be sumfin you (might have to shop for the Leo elsewhere!) and your family will enjoy! I also beed workin on lil graphic for you to put on your blog if you so choose to honor our Freedom to Blog!
Now... how do I get your address??? Well I gonna have to get my email put on this blog but also my the Mom will try get in touch wif the you frew your email address if she can find it... but please DO keep checkin by!
I know you know I had two lumps examined last Fursday but what you don't know is the one what I was to worry about what was on top of my mast cell tumor scar has now completely ruptured and there is nuffin there. And that is good thing.
But what you also don't know is that lump on back what was nuffin to worry bout... went from size of small mosquito bite to size of grape between time the Mom went to work and came home yesterday...
She immediately call doctor but it almost time for them to close and Doc Hamelers say it sumfin should be looked at but not emergency and so the Mom make a pointment wif the Dr. Mark for today.
And so we went. And it was not fun. Well... wif ception of my the Aunt Karen surprisin me there wif the berry crunch treats... it was not fun.
Dr. Mark closely examine spot on scar and he think it ok. But then he try aspirate lump on back and... let me take deep breaf and figure out how to tell rest of story in mixed company...
It not go well and they had to put the face mask on me and anyway, again wif the stainin of the slides and here are results:
"Swelling at location of aspirate from last week. Pus cells found today. No apparent tumor cells. Mast cell possible but much more likely cellulitis or abscess forming. Administer antibiotics and pain medications as prescribed and apply warm compresses several times daily."
That, I guess is good news, but there is still lingerin possibility bout which the Mom is frettin but not me on a counta shot and pills add to extra benadryl the Mom give me before we leave home (in case mast cell tumor)... all that on top of excitin car ride and I beed tired that is until...
Insult added to injury and me and the Mom spend last bout 45 minutes in bunker wif the her holdin warm compress to my back.
Prayers and Apologies
I humbly ask you please keep Luke in your prayers that this is infection what will be cleared up soon. I remain on surgery schedule for July 23 just in case... but prayers to God's ear and maybe just maybe it won't be necessary...
Never thought I would pray for cellulitis or abscess but am. Just sayin.
And now I must apologize on a counta preoccupation of the Mom and therefore the me. We, I mean I have not made our blog rounds on a counta boaf the frettin and exhaustion.
Please know I love you, miss you, will be back in routine and catch up real soon!
I am on brink of 400f day and this beed by 500f post and this cause for the celebration!
And so to first five who post comments, there will come a surprise what I will make every attempt to select for the you! Don't get hope up too high... will not solve world peace but might be some small sumfin you like, I hope. Thanks to the Mom my 399 most special...and to you my dear friends who comment so devotedly, you make my 500f post effortless!
When the Mom out of town last Wednesday, me and the Bleu and the Aunt Karen not just have fun and lovin and dinners and businesses and not necessarily in that order... but we also have super secret photo shoot what the Aunt Karen put into this swell smilebox!!!
Me and and also the Bleu (of course) love us some Aunt Karen! She give sweet lovin, prepare the tasty dinners, is very very clever and can keep very very VERY good secret!
Want to wish a Happy Independence Day to you all and also share some of my day wif the you!
It is too hot to enjoy much of nuffin outside but I did engage in a little stalkin...
I also take moment to reflect on how good it feel to have someone I can DEPEND on even on INdependence Day!
And the Bleu, he enjoy the out of doors more than the me but that on a counta he never beed stuck out there (like I was first 9 years of life!)!
That boy even find small amount of shade and fill it wif he self! And just look at that great big smile o his!
And to tell troof, most of what I did when I was out of doors was circle back and ask please to let me go back in where the airs are cool! And on the inside I did do a lot of the followin the Mom and helpin her wif the chores and the whatnot that she did do. And o how I took a sweet nap! So... No fire work. No parade. No backyard BBQ. No party. No real fan fair what so the ever. But what I did was real special...
I spent my day my favorite way and that is wif my the Mom who love me and also wif the Bleu who is real sweet brother and also source of great amusement.
I hope your day was special as well! Happy 4f of July, ya'all!!!
Cool Hand Luke is my real name, but the Mom calls me all sorts of embarassin names like LuLu, Lukey, Sweety Boy and Love Muffin, just to name a few. A bit reserved by necessity in Chapter One, I'm all about the lavished attention, stuffies, fluffed pillows, lullabies, and freedom of expression that define the shear joy of my 'SECOND LIFE'! Troof is... a world that revolves around 'LuLu' takes some gettin used to... but I hope you'll take pleasure in my tails and join me in my ventures!
Wordless (?) Waiting on Wednesday
* That "waiting on dinner" look!!!*
*The tummy clock is ticking, Mom.*
*Yeah, the wreath you made is very pretty, but time to stop tinkering and
Watchin' & Workin' Wednesday
Lady PF is keeping her secret so very well - I did NOT catch her off The
Clutch so the number is still holding at four - but...
Lord PF was close most of...
Max Arrives at Golden Pines
With losses always seem to come additions. And we have a new one at our
house. This past week we welcomed another Max to Golden Pines.
*~On our way home!...
Celebrating my Girls
From the first introductions of Lucie and Hailey as puppies, it was pure
January 3, 2009
Zoe didn't care much for Addie when she was a puppy. But...
James V. Taurisano USMC
*Dad was in the Navy for about 25 years. His war was Vietnam but he was in
Another little sneak peak....
In which we find raccoon prints on the trail...
I took the lead after that, as the undergrowth in the forest was quite
thick and full of brambles. Harlo...
Celebrating Dr. Seuss Day!
Happy Dr. Seuss Day!
Above is Mama's most favorite Seuss Poem. You see, she grew up with Dr.
Seuss. Her Mama used to read his stories to her back in the st...
A Letter to My Dino Boy
[image: PitaPata Dog tickers]
Hello My Dearest Ah Pi,
How are things over the Rainbow Bridge? Hope you are having loads of fun
with your friends. It h...
Happy Tuesday!
Happy Tuesday friends! I'm Casey...Mom went back to work and I'm now I am
walking around the house just making sure that all is good! Now, if my Mom
Jumpers for Cats
Cozy is a great word to describe jumpers for cats! Today, I’m featuring our
cat jumpers so you can see why we offer these cute … Read the rest
Rahasia Kulit Awet Muda Dengan Cara Alami
Rahasia Kulit Awet Muda Dengan Cara Alami – Seperti yang kita ketahui bahwa
wanita Jepang selalu saja menjaga kulitnya supaya terlihat awet muda.
Mereka pu...
Santa Came Early!!
Hellloooo! So, we has been busy getting ready for Christmas and all. Man,
there's a lot going on this time of year! But you know what's really cool??
When ...
Our Little Dog
Just wanted all of you to know how much I enjoyed taking on Tank's
personality and being a part of the dog blogging community. Even though I
haven't blogge...
Don't forget.
Hurro! Mum just logged into Blogger and noticed we is still getting quite a
lot of views here, so just a reminder to come join us at my new blog, Seaside ...
Merry Christmas!!
Merry Christmas to all of our friends across the world! We would like to
wish you all love, laughter, health and happiness through Christmas and the
New Ye...
Guera the Super Pibble
Howdy everyfurry,
My name is guera also known as super guera
That is my secret identity uber cool super hero name
I have most special abilities within th...
Life: March 3 - 8
Tally exhausted after an intense play session with herself.
Figaro peers down from his perch on my table.
Paddington sits beside me and watches Tally ...
First Birthday!!
Today was my very first birthday! I turned the big ole "1 year". That's
right, I'm officially a year old, along with all my cuddly siblings.
To celebra...
Warm greetings to all our friends and cheers to 2014.
A quick glimpse of 2013.....and a hope for more blog time in the upcoming
year...we mi...
Santa's Reindogs!
*Santa's Reindogs!*
*The true story of Christmas is that **Reindogs pull Santa's sleigh, not
Reindeer!** With your help, we can correct a longstanding lie...
The Dangers of Dog Collars (and Cat Collars too)
Mom wasn't supposed to be home today, but, lucky for our Sasha, our black
Great Dane, she had a last minute change of plans, so, she stayed home and
30 Days of Gratitude
*Many of my friends on Facebook have been doing daily updates as a part of
this trend of expressing thankfulness every day this month,...
R.I.P Mango
Our sweet friend MANGO crossed the bridge today. He will be missed by many
pups and humans. Our love goes to his very loving and caring mommy! We
are a...
Human Shaming
Okay so I have been remiss in my blog writing of late (again) but I could
not resist this topic. Why you ask? Because mom is still cackling over some
of th...
Where has Olive been?
Oh my dog! Has it been that long really?? I guess I have been a little
busy lately! I hope everyone is having a wonderful summer. My summer has
been HOT H...
Monty's Bush ... Happy 4th of July!!
Below is one of those pictures that mom had planned to put up before Monty
went to the bridge! She has decided to do it now. Some of you know Khyra
the S...
Whew.....can you believe that it's two years years today since my RC Ma and
Pa brought me up to my new Ma and Pa in NJ!
Remember when my canine Ma Carrle...
Wiener Wednesday
*Once again, Sasha and I have picked five awesome pawsome dach...
No Cats to be Found....
Mom continued on her *Big World Assignment* in South Texas near *Padre
Island* with one more stop.
She went to the *Laguna Atascosa National Wildlife Refug...
Mango Minster 2012
Mom is still a slacker, my blog hasn't been updated in ages, she keeps
telling me we will do 'My Year in Review", but I don't see any reviewing
going on, a...
And Celebrating His First Wright Christmas...
Our Little Reufus.. to our knowledge... has never properly
celebrated Christmas. He doesn't know much about the holiday, the
tree, ornaments, FEDEX deliver...
When Diasaster Strikes...
I just read that after the hurricane Katrina, only 15 percent of the lost
animals were reunited with their families. How horrible is that.
Now that hurrica...
RIP 3/2004-8/2011
Dear blogger friends,
I am sorry that I (mom of Mason) have not been around for over a year.
I have thought of all of you often and missed my time on here.
In Honor Of My Gotcha Day...
June 20, 2008
Among the Very Most Bestest Days of My Life
*My Gotcha Day!!!*
*I sure made the Mom happy that day!*
*And that was just the beginn...
It's my birthday!
Today is my 12-year old birthday! It has been a really fun day.
Mom said I couldn't have a new birthday party hat today, because she spent
too much mone...
It's Official!
If you've been wondering where we are, you probably haven't bookmarked our
new site. It's We'd love to see you there!
[image: B...
One kilo of baking soda later ...
I don't know whether you know this already, but baking soda does work.
Just ... it's got a certain smell of its own. I can't quite describe the
Thinking of you, Honey
*Remembering one year ago. Our hearts are heavy.**Though you left in body,
your gentle spirit remains with us.*
*A super trooper, almost 14 years young, acc...
This is a stick up!!!!
Oh my goodness every-bullie, where do we begin??Flat Papster's new
motto~~PAR-TAAYY!! That boy has been into all sorts of things down in the
birthplace of ...
New colours, naughty Pipa
Alooooha! :)
Well, finally, my hoomans managed to declare an end to the painting-war.
They won: now we have a super-red office (now they are mounting some ...
Sunday July 12th
Sinatra continues to heal. I'm looking forward to getting her back to K
State for a checkup. I hope she is where they expect her to be, h...
I decided, since I`m not as upset at my Person as I first was, that I will
change my blog title to something that doesn`t emphasize the negative
aspect of ...
Please note that all photographs (unless otherwise credited) are the sole property of me and the Mom, and should be considered copyrighted.
Please also note that, while I'm a ruggedly handsome dude with a quick wit and a high IQ, I am, after all is blogged... just a Golden Retriever. And this is my view of the world.
I'm a survivor, a scrapper and a hunter by instinct. And from time to time, I might, with all due respect, reference another pup's catch. I resolutely honor the Golden's Rules, meaning in part, that I give credit where credit is due... and give a high paw to sites and products that I lick... errrr... like!
Should you own the rights to any of the images or content I reference and don't want 'em to appear on this site, simply leave me a comment and tell me to... "Drop it". And I will. After all, I'm a Golden... and a good, good boy!