To understand how and why the Mom got real emotional bout the Laska disappearance, you just have to read my second day post what was titled:
Day Two: 'See Luke Run', 'Good Boys Do Bad Things'... and Other Tails of Horror
Fun to me then, not so fun for the Mom. She can laugh now, only on a counta she catch up to me then... and I settle in real deep now!
And now on somber note, we have not but fifteen drops of the rain but horrendous thunder here last night, and I cannot tell a lie... I try to have nervous breakdown but the Mom try new things to distract the me.
Someone tell her that frowin ball durin storm help the Jasmine, but I don't like fetch... so the Mom scratch head and come up wif sumfin what make me weak in knees and that is the brushin and so she do...

Other thing what she try keep my mind off panic is the berry treats what I love!

So bad as it was and believe me it was bad, I did pretty good and got bout grade of B- what is grade truly special for the me!
And speakin of the special... on Saturday, the Mom was at Different Strokes Pet Boutique lookin for sumfin special for the Bleu and some treats for us boaf...
And what to her wonderin eyes do appear... but this photo of me, displayed in her special treat case!

If you ever in area and no matter what size you are but specially if you are size of my best pal the Checkers, you gotta check this place out! Tasty treats, stylish freads (spell that threads) and neat stuff your Mom might want for her self... galore, you will find there!
And then also speakin of reflections, I reflect on my first 4f of July upon which I celebrated my dependence on the Mom!
*When sweep wif GRRH webmaster, must share compy time but also there are benefits...
Just sayin.