The Mom woke up at 230am this Thursday mornin wif one thing on her mind... and that was Laska. I only known the Mom but for one year and one week, but I can tell you that she was puttin the where abouts of Laska dillemma frew the proverbial ringer. She did not go back to sleep but capped her thoughts wif prayer for Laska's safe return upon her risin.
And then tonight the Mom read Khyra's Early Friday post... and her early mornin thoughts came back to the her.
You see... she first imagined Laska out there alone. And then she imagined the escaped GRRH Goldens she's known to be lost for days and weeks and more... out there alone. And then she imagined me, the Luke, out there alone. And then she imagined the Laska, once more... out there alone. And it came to be a circular argument in her head... Laska, surrounded by the Goldens... out there. For her, there was no panic as to whether the Laska is safe and will be found... but her anxiety was how soon.
Because of the images my the Mom conjured in her head... the animal communicator's directions have so much meanin!! So, the Bleu and I have chosen, just like in the Mom's mental images, to surround the Laska in the Golden. Peoples are rarely frightened of Goldens... and Goldens, for the most part, bring calm and security to the other breeds... and hopefully most of all to the Laska, for sure.

Me and the Mom got strong hopes for the rescue once more of the Laska... but she want me to mention just one more thing what she say might mean sumfin, might mean nuffin... but sumfin she think bout in early mornin hour...
long body of water.
She know nuffin bout area, but boaf sides of long body of water just keep repeatin in early mornin thoughts.
We go to bed tonight wif prayer, and we surround the Laska in all manner of gold.
I think, frankly, the Mom still shook up on a counta I make BIG run for it on my very second day. If I not stop and get preoccupied wif the cat I chase up tree... she might still be lookin for the me!
Goin to bed prayin...
i'm sure your prayers and thought will help Laska find her way to a safe place
We are hopin' an' purr-ayin' fur Laska to be found. The one thing 'bout her breed is that they can travel miles an' miles an' miles in no time at all because they were born to run. Our momma sayz that she still has hope because she knows of dogs an' kittiez that were found weeks an' sometimes months after they were lost.
Please keep telling the mom it is working...
My mom's eyes are still leaky fur she got this message from Sam not long ago...we had sent the post link last night...woo ready???
Thank you so much Phyll for the wonderful blog and all Khyras wonderful friends.
I was SO close last night. I had put an ad in the paper that ran yesterday and i had a call that he was spotted in someones yard yesterday morning playing with her 4 year old son!!!! I ran right over as soon as I got the call (about 4pm) he was seen at 10am. Searched until 9pm, then had to go meet an adopter for Bella. But i set up a havahart trap for him before i left. I couldnt leave food as there is a bear that lives around there and it would just attract him but I left my shirt in there and a trail of my scent leading from the woods up to the trap. Then after I was done with Bella, I went back out searching. I put some of my towels over the trap so he would feel more secure and more of my scent would be there. I searched until about 11 and then headed home. On my way, my sister-in-law called me and said she just saw him IN MY NEIGHBORHOOD!!!!! Hes trying to find me :( I was literally seconds away from where she was when she called. I said, ill be RIGHT THERE!!!! I searched until 2 am.......nothing :( But i remain positive. He is getting closer to me!! I WILL FIND HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That''s beautiful! I know it will help!
Tail wags,
These are beautiful thoughts Luke, what a sweet and endearing Momma you have. We are all praying hard for Laska's return but we never thought about actual Goldens surrounding her, what a pleasing image.
Bless your Mom and you Luke for your warm thoughts and prayers. We are all pulling hard for Laska's safe return.
Beautiful post :)
We are so hopeful here for Laska's safe return. Tell your Mom to keep working on it.
woos, the OP Pack
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