Date: Sunday, June, 22, 2008, 11:24 AM
Tom, Madison, Karen and Melinda (Uncle and Three Aunts!),
Karen and Melinda both called, and I can't tell you how much I appreciate ALL of you! Your words are full of good advice and so reassuring. One thing is for sure, Luke has a LOT of good people who are loving and supporting him. And I feel your tremendous support, as well. Thank you!
Luke did much better during the thunder last night. When it first started, I laid down on the floor with him and started telling him about how our life is going to be together. Toward the end of our conversation, I was telling him how he would have to get used to a mother that talks to him a lot, because that's what I do with my baby. He stood up, ever so slowly, gently stepped over my head... and went to lay down on the other side of the room. It was right on cue... and a hoot! I guess he's a teenager!
He seems to be picking up on my habits and patterns, and beginning to trust me in earnest, in terms of going outside and knowing he's going to get to come back in when he's ready. I haven't taken my eyes off of him outside, but I never did with my other golden either. I have a 16'x20' back porch with a ceiling fan, so I sit and watch!
I thought you might like to see some pictures of my Luke, who even after just two and half days, has so many love muffin nicknames, he's probably confused... I'll have to work on that! :-)
Thanks again for everything!
Amanda with Sweet Golden Boy at her Feet
SUNday Sharing
PF Palace scenes from Saturday -
Almost 730pm - 33 - Partly Cloudy -
Now for the foodables portion of our FrEYEday - *Tropical Smoothie Cafe* -
Hello there!
It's wonderful to note that Luke adapting well!
Licks and wags
Tuffy and the Dog WOods Pack
What another great email!!!
Mom needs to read this to get her Laska leakiness to stop....
So Luke: Are woo planning on keeping this mom khararakhter?
Hi Luke!! You are sweet, sweet, sweet!
Thank you for the note about Honey. You have been such a special and wonderful friend to Honey. My mom will look on site a little more...
Thank you for visiting!!! We love the entries you and your mom have been making on your site.
Puppy nibbles,
Sierra Rose
i can just feel the love that your mom has for you Luke !!!
I think the tailor is finished with your special "tie" - it should be on the way
what a sweet post!!!!
You are very very very special and we love reading about you and your adventure!!!
And're very lucky to have such a wonderful and lovely mommy who adore you a lot!!!!
Is the best thing in the world having humans that love us with all themselves!!!!
We love you too!!!!
Sweet kisses and licks!!!!
How nice to know that Luke is doing so well! we love happy endings!
Benson and Gibson
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