Sunday, March 15, 2009

Day 269: Let ME Eat Cake!

It's my Birfday and the Aunt Karen got me a cake!

Pretty sure she got it for me to eat... not take pitcher wif... but we got take all these pitchers! (Hard to know who reactions best... the Mom wif her hands on the me... or the Uncle Tom wif the hands on the my cake!)
Note how I make sure the Bleu and the Uncle Tom not swipe lick of cake!!! Love em boaf but keep watchful eye on em still...
Not quite sure how eat hunk o cake on a counta the Mom not ususally serve it that way...

Errrrr... I mean, she not serve nor let me eat hunk o cake but if she did she would offer it one bite at time. I confused brief moment but figure it out quick!

And the Bleu, he dainty eater... but not daintier than me!

Troof is, I like savor my tasty foods... but when I see the Bleu swaller my cake whole... I know must get busy!
And get serious!

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