The Bid Bed... Been invited on it. Hopped on it. Sought refuge from a storm on it. Climbed on it. Napped on it... briefly. Watched tv on it. Watched Mom reading a book on it.
And last night, after I was invited on it and rejected the offer... well, Lulu changed his mind. My pee-rogative, ya know. Lights went out and before even I knew it... I hopped and plopped before drowsy Mom could overrule!
Slept all night long up there by Mom on what you call a temper-pee-dic. Gotta say, I might notta really thought out this 'just happy to be sleepin indoors thing' as the big bed feels better than I imagined on the big bones.
Gotta also tell ya... we slept like a log and its firefly, me definitely being the log... with the attentive and firefly Mom. Log don't much care about the firefly, but still...
Ever good sit-chee-ashun got its good points and bad. And in the case of the big bed, the mom is both. On the one paw, she's great to back up to, like a really soft pillow. But she's also an oven, so ever so often you gotta roll over and give her the stiff leg.
And ever time I moved so much as a whisker, she was flittin' round like a firefly, checkin' on me. Had to remind myself from time to time that that's what love must feel like... otherwise it would be downright annoyin'.
Funny thing is... today, I feel like a firefly... Mom, a log.
Watchin' & Workin' Wednesday
Lady PF was already in place watchin' - 745am -
At a minute later - moved to the nest box spot -
Lord PF took his spot on the point at lunchtime -
Going ...
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