Now, please understand how hard it was on the Luke to keep big day a secret... but because the Mom is not her comfiest when in lime of the light, I did.
So now boaf proverbial cat and also really swell presents is outta this bag! It is a LOT and I check it out!
[And now I must ask you for your code of the silence, on a counta the Mom say I absolutely cannot share these next few pitchers wif the you... cause the need to be folded laundry is in the "laundry chair"... so I beg you, shhhhhhhh...]
Now... you might fink that is all that was in bag wif the cat... but it is not! I save coolest fing for another very important post! For now I just say it is sumfin that me and the Mom have wanted very much for bout a year and a week... Fank you, Uncle Benj!
P.S. Part of cat bein out of bag is the Mom wore her new t-shirt to the GRRH Meet-n-Greet today. And I (and ok, the Bleu) was a hit on a counta ever body love the shirt! I am happy to hear it on a counta now my Christmas shoppin is now one stop!
I bet The Mom did some SERIOUS leaking on that one!
How freakin khool was that gift!?!
Hey Luke (or LuLu),
Ask the mum if she can post a closeup of the drawing so we can click it to make it real big so we can see it gooder; we're all kinda hazy eyesighters cuz we're getting on up the age ladder. It sure like Aunt Dav really pulled ouit all the stops for you mum's humongous (like is that a lot in dog years) birthday. Happy Birthday to the mum from all 13 of us guys.
Wow, your aunt did wonderful with those gifts. Bet the Mom was thrilled.
Woos, the OP Pack
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