Me and the Bleu, we not agree on who get to present her wif gift... and refuse to put our heads together photographicaly speakin (but not otherwise) and so age and beauty RULE over age and beuaty and I present first!
"Happy Birfday to the Mom!!! Please accept this MooMoo as lovin token or our devotion and never endin love!!!"
What a pawsome gift!
I bet The Mom was soooo impressed by your thoughtfulness!
Oh, sweetheart you did such a fine job picking out a gift for the mom. We are so imPURRessed with your thoughtfulness.
Wow, you are so lucky that the Mom shared her gift with you. You are a most loved boy.
The Daisy and the Tucker
That's a great gift for your Mom, we are sure she loved it. We would like to suggest she stay in the bed too so you can get some extra cuddles with Mom when she finds her pressie and is so happy!
Woos, the OP Pack
You are such an awesome pup taking care of your mom like that. We are impressed.
What a great gift!!! You did a great job, I bet she loooved it!!! Great pics!!!
lotsa licks,
Nice gift Luke! What a thoughtful pup you are!
What an awesome gift Luke..I'll have to remember that when the anniversary of my Mama's birthday rolls around!!
No doubt the Mom enjoyed the Moo, right Luke? You are such a good boy!
Happy birfday! Cute moomoo!
Looked right at home on the pillow.
Hope to visit again soon. Miss your posts, Luke!
Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose
Luke, you'd better check in with us, kiddo! If we don't hear from you for a while our imaginations run wild!
What a lovely gift for your mom, Luke! You are a good boy! She sure loved it!
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