And the Aunt Dav is world traveler and when she last in Belize bout few weeks ago, she got me this sporty bandana wif sea turtle on it!!! That special in itself, but what make it even more so is that she got it for the me in exchange for donation to dog rescue organization!!!
That make me feel double good on a counta... dog who need rescue know no borders.
(Mine is green on a counta I Ide of March Saint Patrick kinda boy, not to mention I just look strikingly handsome in the green!)!
I just know I can't wait to be grateful for the Mom not workin so incredibly much. She tired of it... and so am I.
Bridge not that bad... is it? Just sayin.
Woo do look furry furry handsome with it!
Tank woo fur sharing!
Please give your aunt a khyss from ME!
That's a terrific bandana - how nice of your auntie to remember you and bleu on her travels.....i wish i had an autie!
We are all rescues and are very spoiled now - but we do let mommy foster other doggie to help them then they go to there forever home and get spoiled too
Woodrow and the crew
Hey Luke
You do look stunningly handsome in that bandanna. What a nice auntie.
Tucker and Daisy
We love the picture!
Aunt Lisa & Cousin Sidney
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