The ow-wee on my knee not look so good today.
So I had to go back to the Doc. They say it not infected but the Mom should watch it and I should not lick it and I don't know why they infer that I have on a counta... I have not.
That's not to say that the Bleu hasn't licked it a time or two...
Just sayin.
Thankful Thursday Contrast
* We are both always thankful for the sun.*
*Timber takes his daily 11:00 a.m. nap in this exact spot - as long as
there is sun.*
*Yes, here I am channe...
Khome on!
Don't press your lukhk with that tale!
Paws khrossed fur your knee AND the rest of woo too ;-)
PeeEsswoo: Yes, furry soft!
oh no...that hurts me to look at it - sorry I haven't been posting buddy - I've been checking your tweets and all...but, hey mom has been hitting the vino for the past couple of days and she's not so interested in helping me keep up with my buddies - she can't see the I-phone and her fingers aren't so nimble on there!.....and now I have Pink Baby - sooooooooo.....that's a whole other situation
Daisy loves to lick on Tucker when he has a boo-boo. He believes your story. Feel better soon. Go Celts and Rockets
Tucker and Daisy
I hope you heal up fast buddy. =) I have caught up now and will be stopping by as much as I can to check in on you. =)
Feel better buddy - tell mommy you need even more extra special care until you are all better
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