Many thanks to all my wonderful friends for calls and emails and comments and for thoughts and prayers!!! I am truly blessed to have you pullin for me, and it great comfort for the Mom... like you have NO idea!
Since I am prone to lumps and bumps and dermatitis and since I had grade 2 mast cell tumor removed last fall and met wif oncologist (that funny word for man wif really not funny job) and got not such great prognostication (nother word what sound funny and yet make the Mom cry)... my the Mom is cautious to nnnnnnnnnnth degree.
I got new doctor since then... what got absolutely nuffin to do wif not bein pleased bout treatment at old vet on a counta they really great peoples!
Matter of just plain fact is whichever clinic I frequent, I there often enough to establish The Luke Wing... on a counta the cautious Mom, my here-to-fore mentioned lumps and bumps and hotspots and general standin a pointment status... just sayin.
Switchin docs was as much about electin to do business wif a GRRH supportive vet, as much as proximity, same or higher quality of care, and a really good fit... personality-wise wif the Mom and me.
Doctor Mark Rieger is four paws belly up wif me. And here's why:
He's calm. He's quiet. He's tender. He's patient. He's a thinker. He believes in resolvin issues in the most efficient manner possible, and he views medical issues from all angles, includin the Mom's.
Toppin that, nother vet the Mom respect wif whole heart told her Doctor Mark is one of best surgeons in town, so she really trust him... to the extent MOMly possible and that she could ever trust ANYone who cuttin on the me!
Doctor Mark got me frew yesterday wif really good results (and wif much gratitude to God and all you who care bout me)! What better thing could I say???!!!
The Mom got great, unabashed shout-it-from-the-rooftop love for him. I... ahem... also love him, but in the manly manner where I would like to "stick" a sit for him... and offer him my paw to shake... no treat required.
You... and Doctor Mark... got us frew the anxiety of the yester day... THANK YOU FROM BOTTOM OF BOAF OUR HEARTS (and ok... the Bleu's... just sayin)!!!
Thankful Thursday Contrast
* We are both always thankful for the sun.*
*Timber takes his daily 11:00 a.m. nap in this exact spot - as long as
there is sun.*
*Yes, here I am channe...
It is always soooo khool to read about the good v-e-t's!
Too many of my furiends' peeps have such skhary stories!
Great vets are few and far between - thats why mommy drives me to Dr Bonnie over an hour away. And why we use Dr Jane as my surgeon - Mommy says they are life savers - Bonnie has saved my life with Dr Jane's help sometimes 5 times. I have a sorted history. Mommy says i an too expensive!!
So good to hear from you, Sweetie. You have been in our thoughts, that's for sure!
With love from the family,
Aunt Lisa & Cousin Sidney
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