1. I wake up at 4:30am ever single mornin. Always have. Always will. When first came here to live, I came to side of bed for bedtime story and then settled back down on floor for more sleep. I still come to side of bed for bedtime story, but now I jump on the bed for the spoonin and cuddlin till time to get up!
2. I have COWLICKS. Lots em. And my the Mom loves em! Some of her very most favorites are on back of my neck. She all ways rubbin on em and sayin she gonna take real good pitcher... Stay tuned!
Tank woo fur sharing Handsome!
Those are some furry special things to know!
Our hu-dad grumbled something about us not getting any ideas about that 4:30 thing.
Hi Luke!!!!!
Wooooooo...4:30am!?!?!? I might have to try that one...but, can see mom shaking her head.
Love the hairstyle and the angel kiss!
Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose
We love your cowlicks, Luke - you are such a handsome boy. You and Phantom have a lot in common - he also does not like to get in trouble - he leaves all that to his bro TD.
Woos, the OP Pack
You wake up really early, buddy! Thanks for sharing those things.
Giving away all your inner secrets...you are brave boy. I wonder if you would keep wakin' up so early if you didn't get the cuddlin'. My brother Lance has been workin' the peeps that way for YEARS.
Hey Lukie, long time no see. We knew about the 4:30 thing, but fun to learn all the other stuff about you. Daisy wants to add a kiss to your angel spot.
The Daisy and the Tucker
We was wonderin' 'bout you's and how you' was doin'. That was some PURRty goods things to learns 'bout you. Scout is all about goin' natural, too, and NO ONE gets to touch his slippers, either. Momma says that it is hard to cut his nails wif the slippers but she lets him has his way cuz he is now 9 and momma says he has earned the right to tell her no sometimes☺
We loved learning more about you Luke, you are a good boy :)
Did not know those things about you! Thank you for sharing. ...and of course you were kissed by an angel - you are an angel!
Good Luck during your surgery, I hope that everything goes well!
Hey Luke (and the Bleu),
Thank you very much for the insight. Homer J has of those funny hair things; kinda like one of mom's perms gone wild. It seem that the amount of trouble allocated to any particular pup is directly proportional to the age of that pup; except maybe for Abby cuz she never ever evr get any bad PR. Jack on the other hand is a Peck's Bad Boy ruffian. The oldster like Homer J., J.E.B. and Jubal are too mellow; well maybe not so much thet J.E.B. cuz he has to be called a LOT. He never wants to come in from the paddock. So it is logical that you are never in the trouble and the Bleu is so mor often, just saying the age thing.
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