And how we got it under way was big surprise on a counta boaf me and the Bleu board the trolley to go to see Doctor Mark! Our the Aunt Madison was there!!! She was there mostly to see the me, but she also wrangle and help calm the Bleu!!!
Here is the lowdown on the showdown:
Bleu: Gained 5 pounds and needs to go on diet (more foods for me). Bump checked and burst and cannot again be found. Received fleu shot.
Luke: Weight stable. Heartworm check (negative). Fecal check attempt (I don't think so). Lump and bump check (Are primarly of no concern, but keep watch on lump on paw. If it does not significantly improve, should be removed). Received three shots, includin fleu shot.
We are glad to hear that you and the Bleu are in good health. We hope all the lumpies and bumpies go away and leave you alone.
The Daisy and the Tucker
I went to the vet too!
I'm glad to see woo two are doing sooooo well!
Hi Luke!
I am glad to hear that you and Bleu are doing well!
Hey Luke,
Oh the trauma of that booming night of no sleep followed by a trip to the V-E-T. We've been dealing with the ramification of Radar's trip to the V-E-T over a week ago to get fixed. He even konked dad with the cone they put on his head to keep from licking. Homer has a cyst bump over his left eye that takes about 2 weeks to fill it. When it gets hard, dad takes one of his insulin needles, that he has put aside just for this task, drains out the fluid and the cyst bump goes away. The V-E-T used to drain it but he charged dad money to do it so he showed dad so that he can do it here at home. Mom's going to LVT school but she "lets" dad drain the cyst. When Sophie moved in here on Oct 28, 2008 she weighed 132 lbs so she went on a big time diet. She now weighs 75 lbs. So you and the Bleu have the same kind of problems as some of your GReat friends. We're very gald that the V-E-T visit went well but know that it's still traumatic.
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