Part of my... ok our... elaborate Valentine surprise is send the Mom off to have breakfast wif the Aunt Madison and the Uncle Tom who deliver second part of Valentine gift to the Mom!
And the Mom she come home and open beautiful gift wrap box and I quick say it all my idea and it from me!
But then I catch look in Bleu eyes and I say well, actually it from boaf us...
And then the Bleu who not ever say much really, he say... quite slowly... he say... 'ahem... actually, special gift my idea on a counta you want give her baked chicken and that not really so much gift of love but gift of Luke all way hungry belly'...
And while I might just resemble that remark, now I got a knowlege, a gree, a cept and bow to the Bleu idea of special art gift...
Keep in mind it me who tell the Aunt Madison and the Uncle Tom... 'TURN LEFT!'.
Just sayin...
One thing me and the Bleu can agree on for sure is that wifout the special and very sneaky help of the Aunt Madison and Uncle Tom, we woulda hadda bleau our llowance on bus fair for a baked chicken.
For that reason and just a few others like for example neiver of us would be celebratin nuffin let alone Valentine Day... wifout they heroic (our word not theirs), loving and caring efforts. Me and the Bleu might sometime squabble over credit wif the Mom... but never over gratitude for the Aunt Madison and Uncle Tom!
Your Aunt and Uncle are very special people!
Your bandannas are beautiful!
We would love for you to send you pictures. You can email them to us at
Lots of Luv & Kisses
Addie and Lucie
That's a very nice cup!
Butt sniffs,
Solid Gold Dancer
Good job, Luke & Bleu, your moms deserves it. And yes, Madison, Tom & Karen are great!
Take care all,
Sidney's ('07 adoption) mom
Why thank you all for your very nice comments. The Mom say search long and hard for 'manly and size appropriate' bandana. I not so sure she found one...
Hope ya'all all had a wonderful Valentine Day wif your loved ones!
Life sure is good when you love! And I sure love ya'all!
C.H. Luke (and the Bleu, of course)
P.S. GRRH is a great family! The Aunts Karen and Madison and Uncle Tom... ROCK! Can hardly wait till the next reunion!
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