My precious friend, the Luke. Your sweet ♥ has blessed me immeasurably. First in meeting you and learning so much from you about sweetness and goodness and then you introduced me to your the Mom who is just as sweet as your dear heart and now, getting to know your brofur, the Bleu. Sweetheart, your star shines bright and constant and will always guide loving souls who complete their Circle of Life to just the right spot in the Heavens to wait for their special people.
We know that you are looking down and feeling the love. You have opened so many hearts to what kindness really is. You will forever be in our hearts and the wonderful family that is waiting to see you again, The Mom and The Bleu have become great friends. Luke, you have truly held up your prat of Paul's letter to Timothy,
I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith. 2 Timothy, 4. 7
We all miss you but know that this is not good bye but just we will see you again in a better place.
Sweet Luke, we are all so happy to hear from you and the mom. We know you are at the Bridge now and enjoying it there and someday we will all be with you again. Run and play sweet baby angel and know how much you were loved. Lots of love, Holly and mom
Thank you for your sweet note, dear Luke! We agree that it is we who are to thank you for sharing with us your adventures and moments.
We are sure that you are watching over all of us and we pray that you always guide through the night as your star shines bright up above. We love you Luke, run free!
it's so so good to hear from you! we miss you very much here! but i know that you are havin' mega funsies up more ouchies or boomers...and you can eat whatevarrr you want! we love you super much and will keep takin' good care of your the mom and the bleu until ya'll are together again. thankies for lettin' us share in your totally awesome birthday last year. it was very special like to see all those pics from your pawty.
Cool Hand Luke is my real name, but the Mom calls me all sorts of embarassin names like LuLu, Lukey, Sweety Boy and Love Muffin, just to name a few. A bit reserved by necessity in Chapter One, I'm all about the lavished attention, stuffies, fluffed pillows, lullabies, and freedom of expression that define the shear joy of my 'SECOND LIFE'! Troof is... a world that revolves around 'LuLu' takes some gettin used to... but I hope you'll take pleasure in my tails and join me in my ventures!
Thursday Thinking
Lord PF on point -
Meanwhile in the nest box -
Later in the day -
and still - actually, I didn't see her off -
Ledge Dash came in the late afternoon -
Wordless (?) Waiting on Wednesday
* That "waiting on dinner" look!!!*
*The tummy clock is ticking, Mom.*
*Yeah, the wreath you made is very pretty, but time to stop tinkering and
Max Arrives at Golden Pines
With losses always seem to come additions. And we have a new one at our
house. This past week we welcomed another Max to Golden Pines.
*~On our way home!...
Celebrating my Girls
From the first introductions of Lucie and Hailey as puppies, it was pure
January 3, 2009
Zoe didn't care much for Addie when she was a puppy. But...
James V. Taurisano USMC
*Dad was in the Navy for about 25 years. His war was Vietnam but he was in
Another little sneak peak....
In which we find raccoon prints on the trail...
I took the lead after that, as the undergrowth in the forest was quite
thick and full of brambles. Harlo...
Celebrating Dr. Seuss Day!
Happy Dr. Seuss Day!
Above is Mama's most favorite Seuss Poem. You see, she grew up with Dr.
Seuss. Her Mama used to read his stories to her back in the st...
A Letter to My Dino Boy
[image: PitaPata Dog tickers]
Hello My Dearest Ah Pi,
How are things over the Rainbow Bridge? Hope you are having loads of fun
with your friends. It h...
Happy Tuesday!
Happy Tuesday friends! I'm Casey...Mom went back to work and I'm now I am
walking around the house just making sure that all is good! Now, if my Mom
Jumpers for Cats
Cozy is a great word to describe jumpers for cats! Today, I’m featuring our
cat jumpers so you can see why we offer these cute … Read the rest
Rahasia Kulit Awet Muda Dengan Cara Alami
Rahasia Kulit Awet Muda Dengan Cara Alami – Seperti yang kita ketahui bahwa
wanita Jepang selalu saja menjaga kulitnya supaya terlihat awet muda.
Mereka pu...
Santa Came Early!!
Hellloooo! So, we has been busy getting ready for Christmas and all. Man,
there's a lot going on this time of year! But you know what's really cool??
When ...
Our Little Dog
Just wanted all of you to know how much I enjoyed taking on Tank's
personality and being a part of the dog blogging community. Even though I
haven't blogge...
Don't forget.
Hurro! Mum just logged into Blogger and noticed we is still getting quite a
lot of views here, so just a reminder to come join us at my new blog, Seaside ...
Merry Christmas!!
Merry Christmas to all of our friends across the world! We would like to
wish you all love, laughter, health and happiness through Christmas and the
New Ye...
Guera the Super Pibble
Howdy everyfurry,
My name is guera also known as super guera
That is my secret identity uber cool super hero name
I have most special abilities within th...
Life: March 3 - 8
Tally exhausted after an intense play session with herself.
Figaro peers down from his perch on my table.
Paddington sits beside me and watches Tally ...
First Birthday!!
Today was my very first birthday! I turned the big ole "1 year". That's
right, I'm officially a year old, along with all my cuddly siblings.
To celebra...
Warm greetings to all our friends and cheers to 2014.
A quick glimpse of 2013.....and a hope for more blog time in the upcoming
year...we mi...
Santa's Reindogs!
*Santa's Reindogs!*
*The true story of Christmas is that **Reindogs pull Santa's sleigh, not
Reindeer!** With your help, we can correct a longstanding lie...
The Dangers of Dog Collars (and Cat Collars too)
Mom wasn't supposed to be home today, but, lucky for our Sasha, our black
Great Dane, she had a last minute change of plans, so, she stayed home and
30 Days of Gratitude
*Many of my friends on Facebook have been doing daily updates as a part of
this trend of expressing thankfulness every day this month,...
R.I.P Mango
Our sweet friend MANGO crossed the bridge today. He will be missed by many
pups and humans. Our love goes to his very loving and caring mommy! We
are a...
Human Shaming
Okay so I have been remiss in my blog writing of late (again) but I could
not resist this topic. Why you ask? Because mom is still cackling over some
of th...
Where has Olive been?
Oh my dog! Has it been that long really?? I guess I have been a little
busy lately! I hope everyone is having a wonderful summer. My summer has
been HOT H...
Monty's Bush ... Happy 4th of July!!
Below is one of those pictures that mom had planned to put up before Monty
went to the bridge! She has decided to do it now. Some of you know Khyra
the S...
Whew.....can you believe that it's two years years today since my RC Ma and
Pa brought me up to my new Ma and Pa in NJ!
Remember when my canine Ma Carrle...
Wiener Wednesday
*Once again, Sasha and I have picked five awesome pawsome dach...
No Cats to be Found....
Mom continued on her *Big World Assignment* in South Texas near *Padre
Island* with one more stop.
She went to the *Laguna Atascosa National Wildlife Refug...
Mango Minster 2012
Mom is still a slacker, my blog hasn't been updated in ages, she keeps
telling me we will do 'My Year in Review", but I don't see any reviewing
going on, a...
And Celebrating His First Wright Christmas...
Our Little Reufus.. to our knowledge... has never properly
celebrated Christmas. He doesn't know much about the holiday, the
tree, ornaments, FEDEX deliver...
When Diasaster Strikes...
I just read that after the hurricane Katrina, only 15 percent of the lost
animals were reunited with their families. How horrible is that.
Now that hurrica...
RIP 3/2004-8/2011
Dear blogger friends,
I am sorry that I (mom of Mason) have not been around for over a year.
I have thought of all of you often and missed my time on here.
In Honor Of My Gotcha Day...
June 20, 2008
Among the Very Most Bestest Days of My Life
*My Gotcha Day!!!*
*I sure made the Mom happy that day!*
*And that was just the beginn...
It's my birthday!
Today is my 12-year old birthday! It has been a really fun day.
Mom said I couldn't have a new birthday party hat today, because she spent
too much mone...
It's Official!
If you've been wondering where we are, you probably haven't bookmarked our
new site. It's We'd love to see you there!
[image: B...
One kilo of baking soda later ...
I don't know whether you know this already, but baking soda does work.
Just ... it's got a certain smell of its own. I can't quite describe the
Thinking of you, Honey
*Remembering one year ago. Our hearts are heavy.**Though you left in body,
your gentle spirit remains with us.*
*A super trooper, almost 14 years young, acc...
This is a stick up!!!!
Oh my goodness every-bullie, where do we begin??Flat Papster's new
motto~~PAR-TAAYY!! That boy has been into all sorts of things down in the
birthplace of ...
New colours, naughty Pipa
Alooooha! :)
Well, finally, my hoomans managed to declare an end to the painting-war.
They won: now we have a super-red office (now they are mounting some ...
Sunday July 12th
Sinatra continues to heal. I'm looking forward to getting her back to K
State for a checkup. I hope she is where they expect her to be, h...
I decided, since I`m not as upset at my Person as I first was, that I will
change my blog title to something that doesn`t emphasize the negative
aspect of ...
Please note that all photographs (unless otherwise credited) are the sole property of me and the Mom, and should be considered copyrighted.
Please also note that, while I'm a ruggedly handsome dude with a quick wit and a high IQ, I am, after all is blogged... just a Golden Retriever. And this is my view of the world.
I'm a survivor, a scrapper and a hunter by instinct. And from time to time, I might, with all due respect, reference another pup's catch. I resolutely honor the Golden's Rules, meaning in part, that I give credit where credit is due... and give a high paw to sites and products that I lick... errrr... like!
Should you own the rights to any of the images or content I reference and don't want 'em to appear on this site, simply leave me a comment and tell me to... "Drop it". And I will. After all, I'm a Golden... and a good, good boy!
My precious friend, the Luke. Your sweet ♥ has blessed me immeasurably. First in meeting you and learning so much from you about sweetness and goodness and then you introduced me to your the Mom who is just as sweet as your dear heart and now, getting to know your brofur, the Bleu. Sweetheart, your star shines bright and constant and will always guide loving souls who complete their Circle of Life to just the right spot in the Heavens to wait for their special people.
We know that you are looking down and feeling the love.
You have opened so many hearts to what kindness really is.
You will forever be in our hearts and the wonderful family that is waiting to see you again, The Mom and The Bleu have become great friends.
Luke, you have truly held up your prat of Paul's letter to Timothy,
I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith.
2 Timothy, 4. 7
We all miss you but know that this is not good bye but just we will see you again in a better place.
Sheila & Bob
Mom & Dad to Hamish & Sophie
Sweet Luke, we are all so happy to hear from you and the mom. We know you are at the Bridge now and enjoying it there and someday we will all be with you again. Run and play sweet baby angel and know how much you were loved. Lots of love, Holly and mom
So lovely to see your face and read that touching message.
Your family are still very much in our thoughts.
Love Winnie
Hey Luke, we all miss you very much. Great to hear from you again! We hope you're having a blast at the Rainbow Bridge.
I miss you The Luke!
w00fs, we loves u the Luke and always will..
b safe,
hey The Luke,
It was pawsome to see you again and share in your joy! We have missed you and The Bleu and The Mom. We are furry happy everyone is safe and healing.
Dear Dear Luke,
We will always love you and think of you...
We miss you, but we are so glad that you are at peace now...
Thank u for this post...
Hope we will meet again someday:)
Wags, Buddy, ginger n Shadow
We can think of no one more deserving of all of those sweet thoughts than The Luke.
We miss you so very much dear Luke, but know you are as a young pupper now, pain-free and at peace.
So Much Love xoxoxo
Sammie, Avalon, Ozzie and Mom
Actually it is we who are thanking you and the Mom for letting us share in your special day. We love you, Luke, and miss you so much.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Thank you for your sweet note, dear Luke! We agree that it is we who are to thank you for sharing with us your adventures and moments.
We are sure that you are watching over all of us and we pray that you always guide through the night as your star shines bright up above. We love you Luke, run free!
Piappies Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Pai, Wai-Max & Forgie
We love and miss you, Luke!
Your pal, Pip
Thanks fur making your birfday such a special treat fur all!
It was better than any khake!
It was so good of you to share your birthday with us, The Luke and The Mom! I'll bet there are no thundershirts in Heaven!
You are, and always will be the ultimate Cool Paw Dog!!
Miss you and happy at the same time knowing that you are in a good place.
oh sweetness luke, we fank YOU for letting ush get to know such preciousness in one golden body. we has made you a tribute post that we hope you like
wiff love and pibble wiggles
the pittie pack
That's what friends are share ALL of life and beyond
We sure miss you, Luke!
We miss you, the Luke!
Ah Luke, we miss you lots too. Thanks for stopping by to say hi.
mr. the luke!
it's so so good to hear from you! we miss you very much here! but i know that you are havin' mega funsies up more ouchies or boomers...and you can eat whatevarrr you want!
we love you super much and will keep takin' good care of your the mom and the bleu until ya'll are together again.
thankies for lettin' us share in your totally awesome birthday last year. it was very special like to see all those pics from your pawty.
the booker man
Sending lots of hugs to the Luke!
You're very sweet...You look so cool on that card...I like the design and your message there...Hugs and love...^_^
dog pens
What a sweet post Luke - how we miss you...
With so Much Love xoxoxo
Sammie, Avalon, Oz and Mom
Miss you sweet Luke. Run free with my angels and all the others...
Nadine & Neeli
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