Well, well, well...It has been a while since I have been here to share my foughts and feelins and the whatnot... It's been a busy and difficult few weeks: I have been workin hard to feel better. Me and the Mom have been busy seein people and talkin about fings. The Mom has been hoverin over me like crazy. And the Bleu has been rambuctious, rebellious and an all round 'bad boy' in a way that makes me proud and the Mom sigh.
I will begin wif the good news. I am feelin much better... like my old self. And I'm happy!
[Photo taken Day 845]
And now for the story:
Days 830 - 833. Monday-Thursday. I saw the Dr. Mark on Day 825 Wednesday and was put on aunty biotics for a sinus infection... along wif the Love Protocol adminstered by the Mom (what is more intense hoverin than even normal). We were hopeful on a counta one day I would feel better, but then the next... I would not. The Mom took notes on all of my actions and inactions, ever sound, ever breaf, ever ever fing.
Day 834. Friday. Me, the Mom and the Dr. Mark were in agreement that an exploratory procedure was in order to figure out how to help me feel better, so we planned that for Day 837.
[Photo taken Day 835]
Day 835 - 836. Saturday-Sunday. I didn't feel good, but the best and also the worst part was the Love Protocol aka the hoverin Mom. Just sayin.
Day 837. Monday. I had an exploratory procedure that turned into radical surgery to remove a growf from my froat. Sadly, the Mom's premonition was true. After a long conversation wif my the Dr. Mark, we knew that it was very likely not goin to be good, but breathin and swallerin was so much easier! I was restless and uncomfy overnight... and so was the Mom. The LP (Love Protocol) was in overdrive.
Day 838 - 839am. Tuesday-Wednesday. My froat hurt. But the LP made it just a little better. Just sayin.
[Photo taken Day 839. The cone belongs to the Bleu!]
Day 839pm. Wednesday 6pm to be exact. Dr. Mark received the results, did some local research... and called the Mom. It was the news he had prepared us for...: malignant melanoma. The Mom turned inward to the me and the LP.
Day 840 - 843. Thursday-Sunday. Oncology Appointment #1 was scheduled for Monday. And the Love Protocol mounts!
Day 844. Monday. My dear, sweet (the Mom's adjectives, not mine on a counta they are SO not dudely) Uncle Tom... came over bright and early to take us to Appointment 1. It was a little brutal... so Oncology Appointment 2 was made for Thursday, and the Love Protocol escalates, as does the research for holistic approaches to treatment...
[Photo taken Day 841]
Day 845 - 846. Tuesday-Wednesday. I am off all of the aunty biotics and pain meds, and I am startin to trot outside, chase squirrels, root for buried pecans and all in all, nap a little less. I'm even kinda enjoyin the LP a little more!
[Photo taken Day 842]
Day 847. Thursday. My dear, sweet (MY words this time on a counta he's THE UNCLE) Uncle Tom came over again to pick us up for Appointment 2. Wif the exception of the brief nap I took durin the serious part of the conversation... I had a blast! Even the way home was fun, and I enjoyed a brief stop by the Casa De Herd!
Day 848: Friday. Decisions have been made, appointments scheduled, and we are committed to a combination of conventional and holistic treatments and ferapies.
[Photo taken Day 840]
So that's the story. And now, as much as I hate to ask for help... I need it. Please keep me in your foughts and prayers. Please. I believe in that sort of fing... you know, The Power of the Paw!
[Photo taken Day 842]
And there's one other thing I need to ask... Please to not share a negative story wif me, on a counta the Mom reads this stuff. Me and the Mom are boaf fighters, but I fink the Old Gal is feelin a bit fragile these days. She real strong on the out side, but I know her like no body else... and she is hurtin. So please to share your postive energy and encouragement! We need and appreciate it more than you could ever know!
[Photo taken Day 848]
By the way, my Aunt Melanie has proclaimed my friends and family "Team Luke" (has a nice ring to it, don't you fink?). And I would love you to join my team and the Love Protocol!
Max Arrives at Golden Pines
With losses always seem to come additions. And we have a new one at our
house. This past week we welcomed another Max to Golden Pines.
*~On our way home!...
Woo know The Merdie and The Harley are on board with The Khyra -
Thanks fur being a brave fella and publishing this tale fur your The Mom -
I know how they khan be - leaky and khlutchy and touchy -
Please know The Power of The Paw will be in ovFURdrive fur woo -
The pedal will be to the metal -
I wonder how fast The Xterra khan go?
Khyra, Merdie, and Harley
Members of Team The Luke
PeeEssWoo: Please go hug the Old GiRl fur us! She's doing the furry best fur woo!
Well you know The Herd has been with you all the way and will continue to keep paws crossed and prayers going. Tell your The Mom that we are all surrounding you and The Her with our love and care.
Luke, we are so happy to hear from you. We are sorry the news wasn't so good, but we do love your pawsitive attitude. Hugs to your Mom, she loves you so much, Luke. We will cross our paws and call upon the power of the paw for you.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
We are proud to join "Team Luke" and we know with all our paws around you and all our prayers for you and your Mom that you will be in the best of hands.
All our Tail Wags and Sloppy Kisses,
Hamish & Rescue Sophie and their
Mom & Dad
Sheila & Bob
Oh, the Luke, we have missed you. We are sorry you were feeling poorly, but glad that the Love Protocol worked it's magic and you are feeling more like yourself. We will have every paw in the house crossed for you (Daisy is muscling the kitties as we speak) and do our best to add to the power of the paw. Tell your the Mom to keep her chin up, we are pulling for you all.
The Daisy and the Tucker.
Consider us charter members of Team Luke.
You have a great bunch of dogs on the team. Team Luke will be a tough team to beat. It is a winner! Paw Power!
Mogley G. Retriever
That just stinks. I want to be on TEAM LUKE. I'll be thinking lots of positive thoughts for you and hoping you & your mom enjoy each day together.
Luke, I'm so glad to hear that you're feeling a bit better! You and your mom have sure been through the wringer!
I know of several dogs who have had different kinds of cancer and have gone on to live long, happy lives! We have our paws crossed tightly for you!
Nose Kisses,
HI LUKE!! We're so sorry you got the nasty news. We are definately on Team Luke, and the power of the paw is with you, from our house straight to yours. We know a little about it, Morgan's bestest kitty friend Emma went to Cleveland for chemo for years. She felt good the whole time too. Mom says to just do what the doctors say, and try not to worry
We're sent by The Thundering Herd, Our thoughts and prayers are with you, Luke!
We are definitely on "Team Luke" and will help with good, healing thoughts as part of the Love Protocol. We are new to your blog (found your story through The Thundering Herd). You are a beautiful boy, and strength is being sent your way virtually via FiveSibes and their Hu-Mom!
Please consider us as members of Team Luke! The Herd sent us over and we are Jo (Mom), Stella,(dog) and Zkhat (cat). I don't know how much good the cat will do, she is not famous for being kind. But my Mom does Prays and she said she would do some just for you. I send you the Power of the Paw. We feel sure you will have a positive outcome.
Stella, Jo and Zkhat
Sending you and you Mom lots of love. Sam beat his cancer and is still going strong after 7 years - and we know you will beat yours too. Keep up the pawsitive attitude, and let your Mom love on you.
Sam is a survivor, and so are you!
Woof! Woof! Luke. Glad to hear from you n your doing fine. I will continue to send my Golden Healing Thoughts n Golden LOVE. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
Hi Luke
The Thundering Herd said you could do with some good vibes so I am here to send you my very best get-better purrs!
Huffle Mawson, Honorary Husky and Explorer Cat
Hope you feel better soon! We'll keep you in our thoughts too... Team Luke, all the way! Hugs.
Dear Lucky Luke,
We are so very glad you are feeling better. Our thoughts are with you and we are proud to be on the Team! Lots of healing light is being sent your way - there is so much being done holistically to help you including the love you are getting. Big hugs and ear rubs from all of us here with crossed paws.
Hi Lukey boy, we have always been part of team Luke and kept paws crossed even when you were battling the evil thunder monsters. Please consider our Love Protocol in full overdrive for you. Paws are crossed and prayers are said. Anything you need - just ask. The big KT has been throught this before and sez that holistic is a good way to go. He has lots of information and first hand experience. We'll be watching - good luck and God Bless Lucky Luke.
Dawling Luke
I want to be pawt of Team Luke too
I know you awe a fightew and youw love pwotocol will wowk!!!!!
You'we a wondewful woofie and I hope you feel bettew evewy day.
Take my tewwiew stubbown stwenght to help you, and my love to make you stwong
smoochie healing kisses and pwayews to the dog staw
hey Luke,
I am sorry you are going through a difficult time but my paws are crossed and my heart and mind are sending out HUGE healing thoughts your way. You are very brave and I would be honored to be a part of Team Luke! I will do whatever I can to help you win this battle and feel healthy and happy once again.
Tail wags to your mom and sorry she is sad inside.
Peace, Healing, and Love,
Suka and K
Hi sweet furpal! You are in our hearts, Please add us to Team Luke :) Take each day with snooter sniffs and smiles, and enjoy to the fullest, the amazing Love Protocol! Blessings.
Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose
Dude! You seem to be one cool boy. Came over to your bloggie from "Lovin for a living" and can't help but wanna send you lots of healing energies. Count me & Mom in on Team Luke...I'm kinda a large guy, so hopefully my prayers will give you an extra BOOST!
wags, wiggles & slobbers
Hey there...
I've come over from Scout and Freyja's blog to send some pawsitive vibes and to become a cheerleader for "Luke"!
You're fighting a good fight! The "Power of the Paw' is truly that...POWER! Hang in there - keep positive!
Sending lotsaluv
Count us in, too, Luke! I'm a Toller mix, so we're practically cousins! And Abby has a very soft heart for all critters that need the power of the paw & healing love. Wilf the Pon's Angus had a lovely post about the blog-dogs forming an invisible pack surrounding Wilf in his time of need. Looks like you've got a virtual pack, too, pulling for you.
Jed [and Abby]
Keep the faith Team Luke. Boy, we so know what your going through. We've found that good things really do happen. Where there's that much love and happiness around hours stretch into days and days into weeks and weeks into....
All four paws of my paws are they for you Luke. Licks Prince :)
Sweet Luke we read about you in Khyra's blog. We're purring and praying for you.
The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie
Luke, I've read about you on a couple of blogs, and I wanted to stop by to send the Power of the Paw. You are inspiring! We are all pulling for you.
Luke, our momma is workin' on sumpin' to give to your the mom as a gift fur the other dog bloggers to put up to join 'team Luke' but we need to know your email addy so we can send it to you.
We have featured you on our bloggy today. Us 'trievers gotta stick together!
We came over from khyra's blog. We are gonna be part of Team Luke and help purr yoo better. The power of the purr and the paw is AWESOME! Love to yoor mommy too.
Hi Luke!! We just came from Scout and Frejya's blog and want to join your team! All together we can make one giant team effort and with the power of so many paws and so many prayers, you will be running around the back yard having a good old time and feeling fine!! We are praying for you Luke and with many paws crossed for you, we wish you lots of love. Holly and mom
Hello there Luke!
We are all here to join Team Luke! We believe in the power of paws and we got 28 crossed paws to surround you with our love and prayers! Mocha who is our model for crossed paws is trying her best to cross her hind paws too and teach the rest of the piappies to do so.
Keep the positive attitude and LiveStrong! Hang in there buddy! Keep smiling! We love your photos.
Piappies Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Pai & Wai-Max
Hello there Luke, there are 5 of us kitties here to sign up for Team Luke, we are ready to pawticipate in the power of the paw!
All of us kitties and the Dixie Dog are purring and purraying very hard for you, sweet Luke!
We've come from Scout and Freyja's blog to give offer purrs and healing Light, Luke! The Power of the Paw (and Purr) really can work!
Hi ya, Luke! Scout and Freyja sent us over to see you. We just wanna tell you that we are purring for you and we hope you are better soon!! Here's to the power of the paw and purr!!
Wally, Ernie & Zoey
No way, no negative vibes. We are sending so many pawsitive energies your way, your gonna feel even better.
Love a prayers travel over the internet right to you!
Nubbin wiggles,
Hi Luke! Khyra sent us over to visit you and read your story! We will be purring and purring for you to get better! Sounds like you are a wonderful woofie and you have a great Mom!
Oh, the Luke! I am Most Sorry to hear abouts your recent woes. I know things are prolly kinda skeery right now but I hope you know that I'm sending you my Most Pawerful Brindle Wishes your way. You and your The Mom are very much brave and with that LP going, I just know everything's gonna be okay.
We are keeping you both extra super close to our hearts. Please give your The Mom extra snuggles from me, okay?
Wiggles & Wags,
Sending our best healing purrrrrss and hopefull purrrrayers to Luke and his beans.
Yoo can beat dis, yes yoo can! Our sisfur did and we know dat yoo can wif da medi-sin and loves and lots of purrs, purrayers and woofs. Count us in "Team Luke", we'll purr wif alla our might fur yoo.
"Hi!! Teenage Mutant Ninja Kitty Horde here! Reporting in via Cat Blogosphere with our Feeders. We'll be keeping up the purrs & prayers on our end and lighting some incense and candles too"
Zaphy pokes Mister Kitten, "Mom only has to light incense because you fart so much."
Mister Kitten jumps back, "I do not!!"
StarWalker & Thomas snicker, "Oh yeah you do, but that's not why mom's lighting this incense."
Count us in. You know you are so very loved.
I linked to you from Scout and Freyja's blog. Just wanted to say that I wish you all the best and will keep you in my prayers.
I has a hug for u!! {{{Luke}}} {{{Mom}}}
I want to be part of Lukes Team toooo!
I am here with the Power of the Paws!
I will cheer you on,,,,,and we will conquer the enemys!
I am a friend of Scout and Freyja,, so I hurried over to get the show on the road,, and to tell
you I EXPECT MIRACLES!!!!!!!!!
Hi Luke,
Mom and I read on Mayzie's blog that you were feeling less than purrfect.
We want to wish you the very best and will keep you in our thoughts.
Madi and Mom
You are your Mom are very brave. Glad you are feeling better and you sound well equipped to fight the good fight. Wishing you peace and sending prayers.
Shady and Melissa
Lots of paw crossing and thoughts and prayers coming from our end! You know what would make your throat feel better? ICE CREAM! I bet mom would feel better too! Works for mine! Kisses!
Beeg Hugs to your MOmma and you Luke. Keeping you both in our prayers and thoughts. We love both your positive attitude and courage.
Licks and wags,
Tuffy and the Dog WOods Pack (All EIGHT of us!) plus our hoomans.
mr. the luke,
do you know how much i look up to you? you are so brave and upbeat and positive like. you are showin' that icky melanoma thingie who's boss!
me and asa and mama are so on team the luke, and we are already workin' hard on our love protocols. can you feel the lovins we are sendin' right now? :)
hooge huggles to you, the bleu, and your mama!
the booker man
We know how it is to need The Power of the Paw with all the cone-dome we have been through. So we are sending it all right back to you. We will make sure to keep you and The Mom in our thoughts and prayers!
Mr. Nubbin'
Hello there's Luke!
I heard bout you over at Mayzies place, and just had to come by to introduce myselfs
I would be honored to be part of Team the Luke! We will be cheering you on and keeping paws crossed while you battle and defeat this nasty thing!
Healing Hugs
Minna Krebs
Dis my furst visit to yor blog Mayzie suggestied we come by, I fink yu is one seriously brave dude and me and my Ma is behind yu all da way. Tell yor Mom that my Ma has the nasties like yu gots in a different place tho and she be winning and so will yu wiv the power of the paw behind yu how can yu go wrong my new furiend
Finking ov yu and yor family too
Richie ( & my Ma too ov course )
xx xx
Hi Luke! We came over from Mayzie's blog - we are not doggies so we are sending you the power of the purr - that is the cat version! And there are 6 of us - so that is tons of purrs headed your way (if you hear a weird hum start all of a sudden, yup - that is us purring - we are really loud)!
We certainly believe in miracles and just wanted to tell you we are thinking lots of Power of the paw. We have 16 cats here, two dogs, two miniature donkeys, and a goat and we are sending all of their various ways of communcating to you. So that is 16 meows, two woofs, two heehaws, and a Baa. Hope this made you smile at all. You are going to get all better Luke, never fear. Think positive. Take care.
Hi Luke,
Saw Scout's post and I just had to stop by and wish you well and send you golden love. Take care.
Many many prayers sent your way dear boy! You fight that old enemy and win! My Harry did and he had over 600 extra fabulous days to spend with us! I mean really really good days! It's worth the fight and really, I think even fighting it hurts your Mom more than it will you. Actually, Harry never felt any pain at all - he was always ready to play like a puppy each day - and that was with being given the C word three times for 3 different types!! It never got him down! (It did me occasionally, but never Harry!)You fight it and you will win! Definitely on Team Luke!!!
Much love and many many prayers,
Hello Luke
I just came across your blog from Mogley in CO. God bless you and your humans during this time. Paws crossed & licks & wags from my rescue mix Apples & golden Neeli.
Nadine Apples & Neeli
Luke - you are so loved -
the bloggin' world is pullin' for ya.
15 paws crossed
Ben and the fellas
Luke, you are on my thoughts and prayers. Hugs to you and mom.
We love you, we believe in you and the power of the Love Protocol. Sending you and your Mom hugs and kisses!
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