Point One. The Bleu, he don't get on big bed but durin one season of year and that is Winter.
Point Two. Me and my brother the Bleu we are different and we like different fings, take toys for example.
I don't know if it out of respect or preference or in he case, fear... but when he like a fing, I just leave him to it... and he real smart boy to return favor!
Point Free. The Bleu, among other fings, love bears in bunny suits and also Dinah Shaurs who I got for my birfday and name finkin she a dinosaur and not until some few monfs later did I realize she really a drag-gun, but I digress...
Point Four. Hey! Someone has been sleepin in my big bed say Luke!
Evidentiary Exhibit:
I rest my case.
Just sayin.
I let Merdie have my Dinah Shore! It is still one of her favourite stuffies!
Khyra & Merdie By Proxy
We got so many of us here that none of claim any one toy - except Natasha who claims all toys and decides who gets to play with what, but she is the boss so ok with that. Except the humans sometimes tell her she is being all bossy.
Hi ya pals!!! How are you!?!?! Are you ok?
Hoping to send you my holiday card...
Sending you very big wishes for the holiday season!
Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose
Hi Guys!
Wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas!
From my family to yours,
We wish you a Merry Christmas,
We wish you a Merry Christmas,
We WISH you a Merry CHRISTMAS,
and a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!
(And Mom & Dad)
Hey Luke & Bleu,
Around here all toys belong to Jubal. The rest of us are allowed to play through the intervention of mom and dad. Stuffies have to be carefully monitored because we have 3 shredders: Homer J., Sophie and Radar. They are restricted to hard rubber toys but get tyo "finnish off" stuffies that mom & dad deeem to be BER (Beyond Economical Repair) or BCM (Beyond Capability of Maintenance). Aver life span of stuffies is measures in days (if not minutes) rather than weeks or months. The GOM (grumpy old man) thinks that toilet paper tubes, plastic water bottle and soda caps are GReat inexpensive toys.
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