Day 861: Catchin Up
Fursday flew by fast...
It was a great day, and a cool front
was beginnin to edge her way in to H-Town!
The wind was blowin like crazy!
The Mom loves this pitcher on a counta look who is right behind me!
It's my pal and the Bleu's bark buddy, the Sammy!
Hi, Sammy!!!
I didn't get a chance to blog last evenin, but after lights out... I was restless. The Mom was watchin tv, and she kept hearin some fing. She would mute and listen. I kept comin to the side of the bed, so she began to fink I wasn't feelin well.
But when she investigated in earnest... she realized that the Bleu's tummy sounded like a freight train. I mean, I was afraid to go to sleep wif those noises in the same room! We went out a half dozen times more before zzzzz time, but he didn't do any fing to resolve those sounds.
Not to worry, though. Big Boy is feelin much better today!
Note to the Bleu: Do not dine at the Backyard Buffet!
Day 862: My Most Favoritest Day... Friday!
And it was full of my Favoritest of Fings what include...
Mom. Home. Early.
Shared. Mytiburger. Lunch.
Traditional. Family. Nap.
Judge Shows.
And today... Oprah & Gail's Campin Trip at Yosemite!
[Me, Mom & The Bleu are plannin a trip!]...
Bright sunshine and cool airs. I love this weather!
Surveyin my territory... and listenin for squirrels!
Flashin a quick smile!
Why is the Pup-parrazzi around every corner???
[I understand exactly how Paul Newman felt...]
Dinner in my belly, and the sun has set...
And it's time to bring a few babies to bed.
And the Mom... errrr, Pup-parrazzi...
cannot resist the 'chock full o the cuteness' photo op!
My most favoritest day is Friday on a counta
I have the most time wif the Mom ahead of me.
And as this wonderful day closes,
I look forward to my second most favoritest day of the week.
Just sayin.